Guide to RSS 1.1

About RSS 1.1

RSS 1.1 is an RDF and XML based syndication format. It enables providers of content such as webloggers to export their sites in a machine readable format; this then allows readers and other consumers to download them at their leisure in tools called aggregators. RSS 1.1 is based on an earlier format called RSS 1.0, and incorporates a number of bugfixes. For those familiar with RSS 1.0, there is a list of changes available.

RSS 1.1 is the independent project of three RSS 1.0 users who, tired of the deficiencies of that format, decided to create a more architecturally solid format based upon it. It has not yet been officially ratified by any group, but has been intially well received by selected members of the RSS community, and a furtherance of the initial tools and implementations should be expected.

RSS 1.1 Tools

The following tools allow people with RSS 1.1 feeds to check that they're working, convert them into other formats, and help implementors of tools check to make sure they're conformant. If you're not at this stage yet, and just want to create RSS 1.1 feeds in, for example, Movable Type or Wordpress, then try our applications page instead.

Tool Services

Tool Code


The following aggregators are known to support RSS 1.1; there are probably more not listed that are yet to be tested or upgraded:

RSS 1.1 Specification

Test Suite

RSS 1.1 Background

RSS 1.1 is based on a series of proposals from 2002 on rss-dev, shortly before RSS 2.0 came along:

Sites & Feeds Using RSS 1.1

Use the feedback form below to inform us of an RSS 1.1 feed that you have, and we may add it to the list above.

Your email address:
Sean B. Palmer, Christopher Schmidt