Use With Wise
The caveat “use with wise” comes in the instructions for the Tablhoide font by Germán Olaya. The new heading for What Planet has been designed jointly by Cody and me, and uses Filosofia Grand Bold, one of Zuzana Licko's fonts. She also designed the spectacular Mrs. Eaves. Filosofia, or its ancestor Bodoni, was used to set out Dylan's Chronicles. It works well there, and in headings, but should generally be used with wise. The underparts of the new heading are just Verdana, and the Azimuth logo is actually set in Arial, not Helvetica. Can you tell the difference?
If I'm to set What Planet as a book, I'll have to choose a font. Javier says that Bodoni is actually used extensively in Germany but that Garamonds are used in Spain, and I tend to see Baskervilles used in the United Kingdom. Cody suggests Esta, which is great but I've yet to see a book set in it. I have, however, seen a book typeset in Matthew Carter's Galliard, and it's immensely brilliant, being based on a 16th century design by the Italian Robert Granjon. It's likely that I'll use that if I can. I'm not sure how a Mrs. Eaves fonted book would be, but that's another option too.
Cite: Palmer, S.B. (2005). "Use With Wise", in: What Planet is This?
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