Being The Semi-Random Notes of Sean B. Palmer

Here I collect notes, wax pointless, collect trivia, write journalistic fantasies, propound intensely self-defeating arguments, develop programs, and generally clutter the directory up. This is a place where the corrigenda is inherent, the words flow like wine, and the eschaton is never, hopefully, immamentised. Nearby: recent updates.



Languistics [sic]



It's a collection of various notes and stuff collected much like one would on a Weblog or a Wiki. In fact, the whole site is derived from one that was powered by pwyky, a Python wiki that I wrote for taking notes. At the moment I'm using Amaya instead (it's modeless!).

Aaron and Morbus and some others of us have, at regular intervals, tried to create nice repositories of information for people to peruse. That's what we enjoy, for some twisted reasons, and it's that vein and vain in which I write all of this. So TNS, noos, and miscoranda—and many more—are fitting predecessors to what comes here.

I, personally, have been trying to create a site like this for years now. I've tried it with infomesh many times, and I've tried it with swhack and miscoranda, and many other things that have been too embarrasing to mention. Now this might end up the same way, but so far I think it might be a good enough interface to succeed!

Nearby: chatting with DanC on the subject of PIM.

Predecessors and Sisters:


(@@ Automatically generate this; it'd be good to have a little Python script generating a list of recent updates, unlinked pages, pages that have default Amayanine titles, that sort of thing. pages.html or list.html could be that generated index, and I also might want to replicate the /misc/todo list as todo.html or issues.html). @@ Also get updates.cgi to use pages' titles.

Sean B. Palmer