Being that most seminal of /notes/ pages, I hereby present to you...

Seed Topics

These are some ideas that have interested me from time to time and about which I'd like to further explore and note in /notes/ somewhere. I've collected quite a few, so it's become necessary to split them up into categories (ugh--might want to reference Nelson here a few times).

Subject-Oriented Seed Topic Pages


@@ Music category. Prose and literature opposed to language/linguistics?

Hmm, there's a history intersection here--classification is never easy... @@ find out how to do proper em-dashes in Amaya. Mainly, history seems to be a cross-class in that it often creeps into other fields--history of music, history of folklore, history of religion...

Todo, & Blather

I wonder if months of typing on Swhack has diminshed my capability to arrange a decently structured website or not? I doubt it, though hopefully it's increased my ability to write in connective, conversational style (without, I hope, reducing any of the formality). I've had a handful of comments on my writing style being rather engaging and conversational recently.

One good approach for starting to write about them would be to have separate pages for each of the categories, and then as a piece is expanded such that it outgrows its category page, it can be moved out somewhere else. Standard wiki practice, I suppose, and this is a little like a wiki... just that I'm using Amaya, so I can be much more granular about the kinds of content that I include should I want to be.

It might be a good idea to have different styles for each of the sections so that they're more distinguisable for visitors (i.e. not that they'll be more distinguishable in Amaya since it seems to eschew most style).

Sean B. Palmer