{ /notes -> /notes/tech }

On Using Amaya

Amaya (source) is a WYSIWYG browser developed by the W3C as part of their LEAD software initiative. It's commonly use by the W3T, but I've never been a major proponent of it due to its many deficiencies, some of which I list below apart from the obvious highly shoddy UI.

I've raised comments before on www-amaya(footnote 1), which were kindly answered by Irène and by Chaals. I was finding Amaya very useful for editing extremely large documents such as XAG and EARL where counting nesting was getting rather difficult.


All of these bugs and annoyances were found in Amaya 8.5 on WinXP.

@@ Find the message I sent to www-amaya quite a while ago enumerating a similarly large list of complains, bugs, and feature requests. Hmm, without knowing about shift+enter, turning an li into a paragraph is either difficult or impossible intuitively.

Good Things

Amaya probably would've been a lot smoother if a) the W3C had devoted more people to its development, and b) it'd been non-LEAD software, i.e. if the main feature set had been consolidated instead of having had the Annotea, SVG, etc. features added.

Enabling PUT In Apace with mod_put

If you want to be able to put to your Apache server via HTTP in Amaya, then you'll either have to write a PUT handler of your own or enable mod_put. If mod_put is lying around, it's a lot easier to use it than rolling your own, though this is the first time I've used it instead of writing a PUT handler of my own.

This is what I added to my httpd.conf to get it working for this directory:

LoadModule put_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_put.so

<Directory /inamidst.com/notes>
   EnablePut On
   EnableDelete Off
   umask 007

I also made it so that POST and PUT have access control, but that's the easy part. Obligatory Apache Week article reference: Publishing Pages with PUT. The advantages of doing this were that:

Bugs: you'll get a 403 Forbidden if you try to save to the root ./ directory entry. Workaround: use /index instead. It also seems that creating a new document gives a 403 error: you have to touch notes/pagename to get around that.


@@ Macros? Inserting an address is a bit of a nuisance. Hmm... I suppose it isn't too bad: Ctrl+h Ctrl+a Sean B. Palmer Shift+Home Ctrl+l Ctrl+l http://inamidst.com/sbp/ Enter. It beats <address>Enter<a href="http://inamidst.com/sbp/">Sean B. Palmer</a></address> for keystrokes, but I'm more used to the HTML input. I like how I can type "<" and have it automatically quoted in Amaya though... Another good macro would be to insert the current date (and, optionally, time).

Here's what I'm currently using in my amaya.css:

/* This is the default Amaya CSS file */

body { 
   margin: 0.25em 1em; 
   font: 130% Georgia; 

h1, h2, h3 { font-family: "Gill Sans", sans-serif; }

pre { font-size: 90%; }

Footnote 1

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, webreq@w3.org and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

- a 2002/02/mid/ URI at W3C

referred to from a search for my old Amaya post.

@@ My default pwyky.css should should the @cite for blockquote[cite] but not for other blockquote elements.

Sean B. Palmer