13:23 UTC:

Terje Bless notes, regarding my nine Nebulous Concepts, notes that “Metatropes should really be #1 on your list. It's the one concept that justifies the existence of all art qua art.”

It's true that it's the most prominent of the concepts. I put it third because that's where it was on the list of notes that I initially took down about this, and I decided to use and keep the order for two reasons. The first is that I wondered if the order in which I wrote them down had some kind of structural meaning, and wanted to preserve it if so. The second was that it stopped the reader from being overwhelmed when reading from the top; it instead ramps up quite nicely.

As serendipity would have it, I found a word last night related to concept #9, Subconscious perspective, just a few hours after posting the article. It's an instance of what G.K. Chesterton calls mooreeffoc. I won't explain the term here because it's the twinkle of the explanation that makes it a really good term; of the order that you'd expect from Chesterton.

Sorry if people got Nebulous Concepts duplicated in their feed readers. I fixed some typos that Terje and Noah pointed out, and then accidentally reset the time on the article to 21st February 2007 rather than 2008. It took me a little while to figure out the mistake!

I wrote the initial notes for the Nebulous Concepts on the 17th of this month, so I'm already quite a bit into other related ideas. It's funny to come up with an outline of something at one point, do more research, and then fill out the outline to produce a work. It keeps the initial inspiration, whilst making sure that you have clear and well defined discourse in the work itself; the best of both worlds.

Sean B. Palmer, 22nd February 2008