࢐ sw ࢐ trio ࢐ doc

Trio Documentation

You can import all of Trio...

>>> import trio

Though quite often you'll just want to use Graph and n3:

>>> from trio import Graph, n3

These make working with RDF pretty simple. The normal "Hello, world!" example with RDF is printing out a list of people in some FOAF file, so here's how to handle that in Trio:

>>> G = Graph('')
>>> Q = n3('[ foaf:knows [ foaf:name ?name ] ]')
>>> for name in G.query(Q, 'name'): 
...    print name
"Aaron Swartz"
"Al Gilman"


Graphs have all the usual kind of methods you'd expect:

>>> G = Graph('')
>>> len(G)

That tells you how many triples there are.

>>> H = Graph('')
>>> G == H

You can get triples from a Graph too, in arbitrary order:

>>> homepage = n3['foaf:homepage']
>>> for triple in G.triples(predicate=homepage): 
...   print triple.object

Graph takes a URI that can return RDF/XML, N3, Turtle, N-Triples, or GRDDL. Here's an example of GRDDL:

>>> G = Graph('')

And we can query it for Joe Lambda's workplace homepage:

>>> Q = n3('[ foaf:workplaceHomepage ?homepage ]')
>>> for homepage in G.query(Q, 'homepage'): 
...    print homepage
...    break

The nodes method returns all the nodes from a Graph instance, which you can then sort—URIs sort before Literals, which sort before BlankNodes and Variables:

>>> print sorted(G.nodes())[0]

Graph Isomorphism

Trio passes all of the NTC test cases:

>>> for index, expected in enumerate('ynynnnnyynyyn'): 
...    case = '%02i' % (index + 1)
...    A = Graph('' + case + 'a.nt')
...    B = Graph('' + case + 'b.nt')
...    if expected == 'y': 
...       assert A == B, ValueError('Expected equal graphs')
...    else: assert A != B, ValueError('Expected unequal graphs')

Of course isomorphism testing is just a restricted kind of query, so this should also work though it doesn't do isomorphism testing strictly:

...    def empty(results): 
...       try:
...       except StopIteration: 
...          return True
...       return False
...    if expected == 'y': 
...       assert not empty(A.query(B))
...    else: assert empty(A.query(B))

Here's the difference:

>>> n3('?p ?q ?r') == n3('_:p _:q _:r')
>>> len(list(n3('?p ?q ?r').query(n3('_:p _:q _:r'))))


So, how about an actual application? One thing that I use Trio for is to work the hTurtle service, which goes a bit like this:

>>> import re, urllib
>>> r_comment = re.compile(r'<!--\{((?:[^-]|(?:-[^-]))*)\}-->')
>>> G = trio.Graph(baseURI='')
>>> u = urllib.urlopen('')
>>> bytes =
>>> u.close()
>>> bindings = """\
...    @prefix rdf: <> .
...    @prefix rdfs: <> .
...    @prefix owl: <> .
...    @prefix dc: <> .
...    @prefix foaf: <> .
...    @prefix doap: <> .
...    @prefix skos: <> .
... """
>>> turtle = bindings + '\n'.join(r_comment.findall(bytes)) + '\n'
>>> turtle = turtle.decode('utf-8')
>>> G.parseText(turtle, 'turtle')

That should parse the hTurtle documentation in G and give one triple:

>>> len(G)
>>> for o in G.query(n3('?s ?p ?o'), 'o'): 
...    print o
"The hTurtle Microformat"

In the application itself we want to print it out as RDF/XML:

>>> for line in G.serialiseToLines('rdfxml'): 
...    print line
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<e xmlns=""
>The hTurtle Microformat</e>


>>> n3.prefix('', '')
>>> G = Graph('')
>>> Q = n3("""[ :time ?time; :cloudCover [ :percent ?cloud ]; 
...             :temperature [ :celsius ?temperature ]; 
...             :precipitation [ :inches ?precipitation ] ] .""")
>>> forecasts = len(list(G.query(Q)))
>>> assert 50 < forecasts < 70


There is very weak but burgeoning SPARQL support:

>>> manifest = (
...    ('algebra/data-1.ttl', 
...     'algebra/filter-nested-1.rq', 
...     'algebra/filter-nested-1.srx'), 
... )
>>> tests = ''
>>> for data, query, expected in manifest: 
...    G = Graph(tests + data, format='turtle')
...    R = G.sparqlURI(tests + query, 'SELECT').graph()
...    E = Graph(tests + expected, format='sparql-results')
...    assert R == E, '%s failed' % query

And some actual queries:

>>> manifest = (
...    ('data-01.ttl', 'dawg-tp-01.rq', 'result-tp-01.ttl'), 
...    ('data-01.ttl', 'dawg-tp-02.rq', 'result-tp-02.ttl'), 
...    ('data-02.ttl', 'dawg-tp-03.rq', 'result-tp-03.ttl'), 
...    ('dawg-data-01.ttl', 'dawg-tp-04.rq', 'result-tp-04.ttl'), 
... )
>>> tests = ''
>>> for data, query, expected in manifest: 
...    G = Graph(tests + data, format='turtle')
...    R = G.sparqlURI(tests + query, 'SELECT').graph()
...    E = Graph(tests + expected, format='turtle')
...    assert R == E, '%s failed' % query


>>> assert trio.turtle.__file__ == trio.rdf.turtle.__file__
>>> assert trio.rdf.turtle.__file__.startswith('./trio/')


All of the examples in this document, incidentally, form a part of the actual test suite for Trio. (The details are that this document is a GRDDL document, so then we slurp the test triples from this document and run them using Python's doctest module.) So they should always be up to date!

Sean B. Palmer,