· patterns

Avoid Exposing Mechanics

This is a pattern derived from the Avoid talking about mechanics article in TimBL's Hypertext Style Guide. This is a good pattern because it applies to other systems too, even in areas you mightn't think of intially. For example, weblogs which are plastered with information about how they were built tend to be rather content-less, as I found out from, which I assumed to be the site of markup guru James Clark until I read a post or two. People with interesting stuff to say don't tend to be overly obsessed with the mechanics.

TimBL says not to mention links, not to use links texts like "click here". On the other hand, we all have to know a little bit about mechanics... for example, it might be necessary for a while still to mention that you have separate RSS and Atom feeds, just in case people are using dumb clients. On the other hand, nothing gets people to upgrade faster than mass enforced use of a new technolgy. That's how DVD players have so quickly exceeded VHS players.

Type: TimBL Pattern

Sean B. Palmer,