Design Patterns
This is a list of DesignPatterns in the
computer science sense: generalisations of approaches, ideas, problems, and
systems that it's useful to refer to from time to time. These are bits of
technical terminology that it's useful to have as shared culture when I talk to
others; in lieu of people having a clue what I'm talking about, I can point
them to the relevant explanation here.
- AlwaysUsefulLayers (todo)
- CodeAndConfigTransparency (todo)
- CompetetiveCooperation (todo)
- ContentRichDesign (todo)
- CoolURIs (todo)
- CostOfBeingDifferent (todo)
- CurrentPublicationSpaces (todo)
- DataRot (todo)
- DevelopToUseCases (todo)
- DirectionalFallacy (todo)
- DoTheRightThing (todo)
- DoWhatIMean (todo)
- DocumentByExamples (todo)
- DocumentDuring (todo)
- DocumentMode (todo)
- EditingHypertext (todo)
- ElephantNeverForgets (todo)
- EndangeredLore (todo)
- EngineeringAsInnovation (todo)
- EverExpandingScope (todo)
- ExploitableDataOnly (todo)
- ExposeData (todo)
- FilesystemOrganisation (todo)
- FirstClassData (todo)
- FirstClassSchemata (todo)
- FlexibleValidation (todo)
- FollowYourNose (todo)
- ForgottenCatalogues (todo)
- ForwardsCompatability (todo)
- FutureEcho (todo)
- GazeOfTheMob (todo)
- GiveMeMyData (todo)
- GlobalIdentifierSpaces (todo)
- GoodCitizenship (todo)
- GordianButPrecise (todo)
- HomedirAsRoot (todo)
- HomedirRevisionControl (todo)
- HooksOnAFractal (todo)
- HuffmaniseEverything (todo)
- IdentifierSquatting (todo)
- ImportantInformationFirst (todo)
- InYourFaceURIs (todo)
- InherentComplexity (todo)
- InherentDataIsEnough (todo)
- IntellectualAtoms (todo)
- InterpretationProperties (todo)
- InventedWorlds (todo)
- JottableDates (todo)
- JustPublishIt (todo)
- KeepAllData (todo)
- KeepTabState (todo)
- LanguageDesign (todo)
- LearnByExample (todo)
- LearningByFolklore (todo)
- LegalisticNumbering (todo)
- LiterateProgramming (todo)
- LocationalTodoPlanning (todo)
- MakeItWork (todo)
- ManAndOpt (todo)
- MapsAndTerritories (todo)
- MaximisePeripheralBenefits (todo)
- MedialWordNumbers (todo)
- MicroMeritocracy (todo)
- MiddleDistanceHistory (todo)
- ModernistFallacy (todo)
- NeoHomesteading (todo)
- NoOptimalSolution (todo)
- NothingLeftToDiscover (todo)
- OneBigDirectory (todo)
- OneBigFile (todo)
- OversimplificationFallacy (todo)
- PalimpsestSystem (todo)
- PaperPrototyping (todo)
- PaperlessWorkspace (todo)
- PatheticRenaissance (todo)
- PatternLanguage (todo)
- PatternNaming (todo)
- PatternReuse (todo)
- PoorMansDatatype (todo)
- PoorMansHypertext (todo)
- PrivacyVsAvailability (todo)
- ProcessIsProduct (todo)
- ProcessOfDiscovery (todo)
- ProgressOverMachinations (todo)
- PublishedSubjectIndicators (todo)
- PurgeTheUserInterface (todo)
- QualityOfEnvironment (todo)
- RDFPathEditing (todo)
- RediscoverableTasks (todo)
- RegexpDoesEverything (todo)
- ReleaseEarlyAndOften (todo)
- ResearchNotebook (todo)
- ReuseGreyAreas (todo)
- RevolutionaryPurity (todo)
- RigidityIsFragility (todo)
- RuiningNewPastures (todo)
- RuleOf128 (todo)
- RunDanceFrolic (todo)
- SayWhatYouMean (todo)
- SchemaAnnotation (todo)
- SchemataVsInstances (todo)
- SelfDescription (todo)
- SeriouslyKeepItSimple (todo)
- SlogansAreEnough (todo)
- SpecificationFirst (todo)
- StructuredProcrastination (todo)
- SyntaxAndSemantics (todo)
- TaggingFallacies (todo)
- TargetedTutorial (todo)
- TemporalIngredient (todo)
- TestDrivenDevelopment (todo)
- TestOfIndependentInvention (todo)
- ThamesPunting (todo)
- TheExclusivityVice (todo)
- TheRamshackleWay (todo)
- TheUnixPhilosophy (todo)
- ThemeAndDisambiguate (todo)
- ThreadMode (todo)
- TickleTheFringe (todo)
- TooComprehensiveToBeUseful (todo)
- TropesAndIdioms (todo)
- TweakExisting (todo)
- UniversalCalendarFallacy (todo)
- UniversalFormalisms (todo)
- UnreusableWheels (todo)
- UnrevisabilityFallacy (todo)
- UseInherentMetadata (todo)
- UseOpenFormats (todo)
- UseRealURIs (todo)
- UselessRedundancy (todo)
- VastCommunication (todo)
- VectorsNotResultants (todo)
- WatchTinyRoads (todo)
- WebStorage (todo)
- WebUniversality (todo)
- WikiDictionaryFallacy (todo)
- WriteMetacode (todo)
- WuWei (todo)
Sean B. Palmer,