Strange Strands

02 Feb 2007

The Gallimaufry of Whits

Back in November 2006, I started a site called the Gallimaufry of Whits, being a kind of short-post weblog. It for all intents and purposes has replaced Strange Strands, with its enormous posts that are difficult to write on a frequent basis. On the other hand, I've got some fairly large posts on Whits, for example even today I've been writing about installing Everson Mono and Code2000 and Gentium and Junicode. And last month, my posts on OLPC, dircproxy, and Search History RSS were pretty big.

Cody set up a similar weblog, The Flog, not long after and gave it an awesome style. The code that we're using (Whits code, Flog code) is pretty compact, and allows for really easy creation of posts. I, for example, just type "note" wherever I am in the filesystem, and it appends a timestamp to the Whits source file and puts the cursor in a position ready for editing. Morbus has recently migrated away from OmniOutliner to plain text, and is using some tricks in BBEdit to achieve a similar sort of effect.

One thing that Kevin Reid noted to me a while ago is that whenever I come up with a new weblog or project or something, I tend not to tell old readers of my other weblogs about it. Mostly that's down to the fact that I'm thinking forward, but also because I tend to think of them as very different things, even if they aren't. Anyway, at least the meagre Strange Strands readers will now know about the new place of action, even if the miscoranda readers won't yet.

Strange Strands, The Gallimaufry of Whits, by Sean B. Palmer
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