Strange Strands

04 Apr 2006

Getting Back Retrospectively

I posted two emails today to two very different groups: Getting Back to my own mysterylights group; and RSS 1.1 Retrospective to rss-dev. The former was more to make sure that Yahoo! Groups didn't erase the group for inactivity more than anything else—I should archive the emails therein just in case that does happen. Perhaps I should subscribe to it so that at least they'll be archived somewhere else automatically.

As for RSS 1.1, Chris agreed with my sentiment that RSS 1.1 did well and was basically a bugfix to hold pedants like us over until Atom proved its merit. So I've told rss-dev about that, sans some snipes that earlier drafts had over some of the numbingly idiotic feedback that we got when we first released 1.1 back in January 2005. It made me start to think about whether a kind of Atom GRDDL/Microformat (I already have a good name in mind for it) would be a good idea, since I'm not all that keen on generating Atom separately from XHTML. I'd rather do it with some XSLT. But that led me to the whole GRDDL/Microformat world, which is still messy at the moment. I wondered about proposing to Dan and Tantek that W3C just take up Microformats, subsuming it into GRDDL by making the @profile optional. Then I'd feel more comfortable using it for namespace documents too, and that works towards solving that whole TAG issue.

Strange Strands, Getting Back Retrospectively, by Sean B. Palmer
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