Strange Strands

11 Oct 2006

The Milestone Moss

Kookily the syrruphic barrows flied. A maze alost in the wanton green ducks enquisitively with sparrow-blossom and marprelate eroticalisations. Collect a spiggot full of slaught and thy mane'll yield utchy a mink. Boldly exposive, may warblings continue withorough your hedgerose until the cows leave home. 'A may, I grant, a full exposition of The Great Paradigm of Tittleford Green deliver at the approbriated series in Eberdeen, but for the ycycles and many token pomperfests.

It's much less of a shrive than a real mise, and even when the tannel is aflame on Midsummer Night's Eve, had I our doghter's at a candle, they'd make federal finter-fanter into a herb surpassingful of all its truesome efflusiveness. What's more? Fiorentina. And a riverain, one who dwelleth on the banks thereof of a stream or badger's brook. The cake will come obstomping and suddenly it'll stake a claim in troy ounces. They'll stand there and be at least as boaky as an unthroughfaresom thing, I was assured by her princessty, The Queen of Mindovia's Daughter.

Jeeves took babies down to the riverside, and now hauntings occur all over the shop on the fridges and buckminsters and even up in the chimney with the duck egg blue trimmings and façadery. Port to the behest, starboard to the might, and Henry IV knows his part. On the wirral and marque, one can only say that goats have pheelings too; but concomitantly, the equestrienne forced a very good deal from the town hall committee. Badderlocks is the best of the esculent algæ when eaten raw, and I'm not sure that even a che vor ye in the cunctated prime will go ablash as much as a feather chime. Their prorogation continued, and almost misflue the twelfth unthwyuond which was not in fight but mightiful.

Debate not a squirrel on the combing of the geese, because magpies collect nuts equivotrently, and making waves on the impellitured môr will cheffel makefoals in the stabeular brons. Prejudge presumptuous paraqueets, make way. The king rides in raiment green, and dilsnoughfouses furkey a makeover of the widershins than the thinshins. Alack, for wright calls!

Would you fill a lake so full of swans that the meteors collide and good tinsel is driven ful drivenly by the snow along a ravine previously roofed by a theatre's thatcher and his comely wife? Nay, they'll put a brizzen on it. You can't even seal that with a countermanded principle these days, things have gotten that talialistic. You can't have a confidant in a postbox, and more than likely the postbox can't have a confidant in you! Their draughts of stepony, a kind of raisin wine with lemon and herbs added, were renowned through the empire of the turd. It's not surprising! Moreover, as with Darcie's Stephanophores, a justice system can only sustain itself with a trace of protomeroblastic onioning. And for that to becoming, being for the benefit of a box kite factory, we'd say that it was down to lygaeid bugs, or perhaps pyrgomorphid grasshoppers, wouldn't we? Or could we pinny the nursemaid up and send her to the train station before the two to two and two two too?

And so it is: the milkman delivered a speech saying that the moon could be taken pecificatively, or quidditatively, or superficially, or catapodially. But could it be taken to the cheese shop for Wensleydale hybridisement? Only Hutchingson, with his publication of The Monimolimnion, could really say, the critics have predictated.

Strange Strands, The Milestone Moss, by Sean B. Palmer
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