Strange Strands

11 Aug 2006

Hoi Polloi

I wanted to give a link to the previous essay to John Cowan, with whom I'd been discussing it, but then realised that as a house rule I don't give out links to this place, much in the same way that on miscoranda I used to call What Planet is This? the "other place", à la the Houses of Commons and Lords. It's a house rule not to give links to Strange Strands (I've done it only once, I think) because I'm like a pot: a watched me never writes. I can maintain the polite fiction that nobody's reading me if I don't give a toss about inbound links. This reminds me of beryllium.

This has also led to me being oddly reflective. I'll bet if you count the pronouns in this blog compared to all my other efforts, you'll find that just a few posts here have more first person pronouns than in the entire rest of my blogs combined. This bugs me. The thing I like most about those other blogs is that they don't use the first person pronoun much. I just need to read more and more Chesterton until a decent writing style sticks. Anyway, I've been meaning to write about lots of things but shying away from it, I guess since I'm going through a little anti-renaissance, a kind of phase of antiquarian ludditism, not really focussing on anything in particular. Just writing about anything in particular is an excellent gateway to writing about more meaningful things, as I so clearly demonstrated with What Planet, so I'm doing the same thing here. If a hoi polloian comes across it, so be it, you can't say I foisted the link on to you, it's your own dumb luck.

Strange Strands, Hoi Polloi, by Sean B. Palmer
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