- Services

The following are some Python and Bash driven web services that I've found useful, and also have bound to various keywords in Firefox.

Directory listing for /services/

Filename Last-Modified (UTC) Size
/services/ 2006-01-23 16:14:01 416 bytes
/services/.htaccess 2006-07-03 15:02:24 86 bytes
/services/dict 2004-11-09 18:18:14 1,159 bytes
/services/dnsid 2006-01-24 09:03:17 7,725 bytes
/services/encnorm/ 2007-03-12 12:39:07 List
/services/getpost 2007-06-25 10:20:19 3,228 bytes
/services/httphead 2007-06-25 10:23:11 1,562 bytes
/services/lotto 2005-04-06 11:33:40 306 bytes
/services/man 2004-10-21 20:22:50 1,032 bytes
/services/query 2008-11-12 10:03:51 68 bytes
/services/rdns 2006-01-24 09:05:32 1,097 bytes
/services/reflector 2006-01-25 19:13:56 417 bytes
/services/remime 2014-02-07 10:23:58 2,361 bytes
/services/tokipana 2006-01-24 09:05:51 3,774 bytes
/services/unicode 2007-03-09 18:00:00 1,929 bytes
/services/uuid 2005-04-23 02:10:36 57 bytes

Also available in: plain text, and RDF.

Sean B. Palmer