<d8uv> This wiki is like a really boring blog
It's a mixture of blog and wiki powered by pwk and hosted on inamidst, so of course it's boring! But it's also better than having all that material go to complete waste...
The underlying technical ethos is that production in thread mode and summary in document mode is efficient, and best suited to the input methods of IRC and the Web.
What is eph?
This site is a personal wiki and a blog powered by pwk (source) and pwkblog (source). It exists primarily to allow the scribbling of a rough document outline from IRC which can then later be written up into a more polished document. The kinds of things covered herein range from technology (xforwarding, noets) to pattern design (projname, notadict) to all sorts of things (snoobird, dodo). If you'd like to contribute, feel free to contact me, but generally this is just here to provide entertainment and documentation of random tapestry seeds—not as a collaborative thinktank.
An RSS feed is available for you to keep track of the more endeavourous entires, which are manually blogged with a little bit of description once again from IRC.
@@ The feed is a bit crappy, so I might make one that just does the recent changes instead.