Voynich Ligatures

e a y o G l
o P? PG G? Y
q (a) (b) Y/P Y Y
y G (c)
i G

Y = is ligated
P = can appear with a puff shaped diacritic over it
G = k, t, f, or p; or can appear with k, t, p, or f inside

Updated version of p.96 in D'Imperio


(a) qGe. On f90v2 the ligature line doesn't go through to the e. On f100r it only joins the beginning of the G, and same on f101r. One on f102r2 has the same property, and Two and Three look to be the same, though Two might have given rise to the idea of qGe. I'm not so sure, and would say instead that qG-lig seems reasonable, but qGe doesn't.

(b) qGa. No such thing in the voy101 tables. Suspect it's a mistranscribed yGa, which D'Imperio doesn't have. No qfa or qpa in either transcription.

(qPy) Where is her "qyj"? Can't find any instance of it. Several qy-lig though.

(c) yGa, "51v.8: olteeody qotal qo?daiin {247}or {248}l?" (looks like a typo, heavily touched up)


The fact that eG-lig, oG-lig, and qG-lig can't have other Gs inside and can't have the puff shaped diacritic P may indicate that in some sense they're not "full" ligatures.

oPe? Not even sure about oe-lig. Voy101 only has oy-lig, 212, not even oPy or oGy. The oGo in D'Imperio doesn't seem to exist either.

Where is her aa-lig? Can't find it. All instances of aa look like mistranscriptions, except the one at the top of f115r.

@@ the instance of "yh"

yGe, the tail of the y is peculiarly straight. Another, this one has been heavily touched up. The one on f99r looks reasonable.

The instances of iGe in f24r make it look like the scribe was just not writing eGe properly. There are some intermediate looking forms.

Puffed y, "20v.9: ytchy teody cho cthy chol cjhd{184}oty d{191}o" (looks like a typo)

Puffed a, "49r.15: ochol chol chody dchodaiin d{192}iin" (voy101)