Dear Sirs: we represent Mr. Swartz, widely recognized as the founding genius and incredibly good-looking host behind the RSS 3.0 specification [1]. We are writing to inform you that your recently published specification, "RSS 3" [2], collides with Mr. Swartz's original use of the name, impinging upon and hence impeding the proselytization of his technology. You are in breach of project naming etiquette. It is therefore required of you that you rename your specification immediately. We have found comments by you [3] on the World Wide Web stating that you already became aware of Mr. Swartz's specification, and yet have wantonly continued to pirate his name. This behavior is most unacceptable, hence this cease and desist notice. We are so angry at your behavior that we are almost naked. You state that you "canvassed the web quite thoroughly" looking for prior art. You did not, otherwise you would have found Mr. Swartz's significant body of work. You state that just because the technology hasn't been used for a few years, you are welcome to the name. That is akin to saying you can re-record a song if the author doesn't re-record it for three years. This sheer impetuousness is most baffling, and moot anyway since a number of people have feeds using the legitimate RSS 3.0. We have some suggestions for a new name. RSS Pi would be acceptable to us. Indeed, any version number that does not compare *numerically* equal to the float "3.0", or any other current version, would be acceptable to us. But again, you have not done your research: RSS 2.0.1 states quite clearly in its roadmap section that no future versions of RSS derived from the specification shall use RSS with a version number. One slashdotter, moreover, has said of your specification that it is a mere "bunch of pointless dick-waving", to which we heartily agree. We therefore impel you in the strongest possible terms to call your specification RSS Dick Waving. You may shorten this to RSS DW; we cannot be responsible, however, for any possible infringment notice you may receive from Dave Winer as a result of the misuse of his initials. By having read this message either in part or in full, you have signified your assent to its contents in perpetuity throughout the universe, including that a clause of similar intent shall have no effect if returned to us (i.e. no comebacks, trancendental or otherwise). You also waive your indemnibility and our liability for any adverse actions that should result as an effect of this notice, including any feedback that you may receive from members of the RSS community including the IETF Atom group. This email has been BCC'd to the publically archived www-archive email list, the archives for which are available via Google. If you wish to respond in public, do so on that forum. Private responses are also welcome. [1] [2] [3] On behalf of Mr. Swartz in defence of his technology, we remain, Yours sincerely, signatories, -- Sean B. Palmer, secretary to Mr. Aaron Swartz Homepage: Morbus Iff, secretary and son to Mr. Aaron Swartz Homepage: [Ends]Received on Sunday, 21 August 2005 04:24:49 GMT
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