I was originally planning to send some Notation3 with my CWM/N3 chat announcement formalising the event, but unfortunately I'd pressed send accidentally. In any case, the namespace that I wanted to use was <>, which didn't appear to be taken, so I made this page for it to point to and then found that I couldn't have it. So now I've got this page up here, and I'm not really sure what to do with it other than ramble on about how it came into being and solicit suggestions. You can suggest something using the following form:

Your email address:

Here's the Notation3 that I was going to use:

@prefix : <> .
@keywords a .

<> :announces [ a :N3Meeting;
   :date "2005-01-26T18:00Z";
   :place <irc://>;
   :beThereOr :BeSquare ] . 
Sean B. Palmer