Subject: Re: The Mills Experiments
From: "sean_b_palmer" <sean@...>
Date: 05 Apr 2006 19:25
I wrote: > Dr. Mills published a subsequent paper in 2000 in the journal > Weather which outlines a new theory that, for safety reasons, > Dr. Mills is unable to test. John Cowan has exhorted me to provide more information about this paper, so here is the direct reference information: Mills, Dr. Allan A. (2000), Will-o'-the-wisp revisited. In "Weather", Vol. 55 No. 7, pp.239-240. (July 2000). Source: As to the content of the paper, I am given over to understanding that it refers to impurities in a variant of phosphene which, as I already mentioned, is highly toxic. Cheers, -- Sean B. Palmer, Homepage: