Subject: Re: New Instrument Data and Report from Hessdalen...
From: hach75@...
Date: 23 Jul 2004 12:35
Hi The topic remains, " concern for aviation safety". The lack of sightings by pilots of unsual objects during the coming decades should not be misconstrued as a manisfestation of an unsual nature but provide comfort considering the past history of sightings. Recent numbers speak for themselves, there are signs of maturity in aviation safety. You mentioned that there were a host of science guys studying sprites/blue jets and related lightning phenomena, rest assure, this is not a labor in vain. In the same manner that you couple a train, you hook up the plasma with a magnetic field. It would be unsual if anybody were to ask "where did the ufo's go?" Don't ask. Joe [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]