Subject: More about Marfa
From: "sandygaither" <sandygaither@...>
Date: 04 Jul 2002 01:14
M. Adam: After reading your message, I know what you mean about the dips in the highway. On some of the 'lights' it seemed I could see an aura like a half-circle before I saw the light & just after seeing the light; these were probably headlights I saw 'dipping' on the highway. However, I studied one light particularly well because it did seem to change shape (in a 'fluid' sort of way). I believe I expressed it as seeming to be rotating. This light was much larger (or nearer?) than the others, and it stayed shining for a long period of time compared to the others....I went 2 nights in a row. The behavior of the lights was different on the 2nd night from that of the 1st. I too have talked to the locals. One man said his property is very near ours (Casa Piedra), and he has had the lights come near him on his property. This man was about 30 yrs of age & said he's lived there 17 years....Sandy