Subject: Re: Marfa Mystery Lights
From: Pennywoods@...
Date: 29 Jun 2002 22:25
Hello Sandy, I saw your letter about the mysterylights, I have also seen them and there is another lady I met through this web site who seen them for the first time, last year When I saw them it was in Febuary or March of this year, about 6:20 in the morning on my way to work, I walk to work and I saw what looked like a tri-angle to the east and I watched it trying to figure what it could be, I thought maybe it was a plane making a turn, but then it disappeared I turned around and in the sky to the south were 9 round orbs, in groups one had four orbs and the other had five, they seemed to be changing shape slowly, they were very bright, they seemed to be white,but they cast no beam like you would see in the early morning mist. I watched them as long as I could but I had to be at work at 6:45 am. I now carry a camera to work in hope of getting a photo, they weren't much higher then the tree tops, I just wanted you to know that there are alot of people out there who have seen the lights and We want to get as much infomation as we can. Penny [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]