Mysterylights Group Message 0118

Subject: Re: light balls
From: "josee chelkoff" <josee.chelkoff@...>
Date: 8 Mar 2002 19:16

----- Original Message -----
From: ozestrange <ozestrange@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: [mysterylights] Re: light balls

> Hi
> One of the major <recent> study areas is
> or try the Brown Mountain lights
> Most  these ligthballs only show on shots or videos.
> now thats really interesting!are some of the shots on the net.?
As soon as  the different scientific investigations which have been
overtaken over this case are completed, you'll find some of the shots and
a video on
> I compared the shots I saw on the Hessdalen site with ours.  After
springing up, the "Col de Vence light ball" (I mentionned seeing on a video)
stands at about the same height, above the same kinds of bushes as are shown
on the Hesdalen's pictures.
> I 'd like to find out whether, and if so, where that kind of
> phenomenon has been experimented.
> yes , At Hessdalen.
That, I knew ; I should have said besides Hessdalen
> Mike
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