Subject: Re: Fwd = Anatomy of a Lightning Ball
From: Frits Westra <fwestra@...>
Date: 12 Feb 2002 13:30
Hi Mike, So you're still here :-) On 11th February 2002, "ozestrange" <ozestrange@...> wrote: >What do you think of the work of Hutchison/Corliss etc. Are >you and me the only people on this board. ;) I just checked at the list center: and it shows that thelist has 45 subscribers. About Corliss: I really regret that I don't possess any of his books (yet). I have of course spent whole afternoons going through Corliss' Sourcebooks in the library. BTW, do you know the the Sourcebook website: The latest Sourcebook (2001) "Remarkable Luminous Phenomena in Nature" is high on my wish list. Cheers, Frits