Mysterylights Group Message 0021

Subject: Re: Minor Updates
From: "Sam Wright" <spw@...>
Date: 28 Jun 2001 21:59

Hello Ghost Girl,  My name is Sam Wright, I live in Russellville, Arkansas.
We have near here, some 25 miles North, what is called the Dover Lights.
The Park service has built an overlook on the edge of a mountain overlooking
a valley some several hundred feet deep with a creek running through it.
After dark on most nights, the lights are visible, some small, some large,
some moving, and some stationary.  Some have heard indian chants with the
sound of Tom-toms.  More than a few have claimed that they have been chased
by the lights.  (I don't drink, so I would not know about that).
The story is that when the Spanish soldiers were here in the 16th century
looking for precious metals, they forced the local indians to dig silver.
The indians rebeled and killed the Spanish soldiers.  The indian legend says
that the lights are the result of starlight reflecting off of the silver
that remains in the ground.
There are a number of people coming this Saturday from Memphis, TN and some
from St Louis, MO.  If you don't mind, I'll send you an update on what
happens.  Sam Wright

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ghost Girl" <ghostgirls@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [mysterylights] Minor Updates

> Hello Gregory,
> The lights in question have been observed at approx. a few feet to approx.
40 ft max. off the ground. We have observed them at this location since
April 2000. Obviously these are not planets, (stargazing is a hobby of mine)
nor are they the result of swamp/marsh gas. Thanks for the suggestion
though... :)
> Sue
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Gregory Lynn
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:10 AM
>   Subject: Re: [mysterylights] Minor Updates
>   > Hi Sean and List,
>   >
>   > How are you doing Sean? Will be checking out your updates shortly.
>   > gotten some excellent video footage out here in Ontario Canada along
>   > with some great pics. I'm still going through these and will let you
>   > know when they are online. The videos were shot in both regular mode
>   > night vision using zoom. Colours observed were green, white, amber,
>   > red. The lights appeared to split and reform both with the naked eye
>   > optical devices. Any questions? Speculation?
>   It sounds very much like a bright planet or star 'scintillating' due to
>   atmospheric turbulence.  Where there any bright planets/stars in the
>   Mars is at opposition at the moment, and sounds like a good candidate.
It may
>   also have been an effect due to a atmospheric temperature inversion-I
have seen
>   this condition used quite reasonably to explain quite a few 'UFO'
sightings in
>   Australia.
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