This is just a test of the pwk and phenny interface editing capabilities.
Here, for example, is some preformatted text (with an indent of three spaces here).
And on the other hand we have a blockquote:
* d8uv explodes
Well he usually explodes, anyway. Here is his homepage.
This is a Subheading
That originally said "Subheadings", but it's all changable via the Web interface of course. Here's some more preformatted text:
def noop(): pass
Thanks. This is, once again, a test page.
More Testing
Whee! This is test data. Isn't it lovely?
And here's another test paragraph.
From phennytest With Love
Again, this is being written from phennytest. This should be the main branch of code from now on, so let's hope that the blog feature especially works!
This is some example text that's been entered from IRC on a single line. --by sbp on
@@ Fix it so that Other People can't add stuff to your todo list.