This site's RSS feed is powered by, which in turn can be interfaced from phenny or from the command line. The script, written in Python, munges the RSS Feed using xml.dom.minidom making sure that it can derive the correct author from the dc:author used in the channel, and adding the date and other required information automatically.
The only thing that the script requires the user to enter is the name of the entry, and a short description to blog. This is to be used in conjunction with the code that powers this website in general. Basically, to blog something: python -c "import pwkblog;'title', 'description here', '/path/to/wiki')"
Hence this is an important part in the whole of the new pwk suite, which is actually a rather cunningly simple set of tools even if I do say so myself. You can append stuff to pages from IRC, via the Web, or the command line; edit them via the Web or command line, and blog from IRC or the command line. I'm hoping that it'll provide enough flexibility such that it'll be a real encouragement to write things down using it. And it already seems to be working given that this documentation for pwkblog is being written using pwk!