""" Author: tav, http://tav.espians.com/aaken.png http://tav.espians.com/espra/images/esp/aaken.png URI: https://svn.espnow.net/24weeks/trunk/source/python/format/rst/rst.py License: Public Domain; share and enjoy! Downloaded by Sean B. Palmer, March 2008, to save it for posterity... -- A simple ReStructuredText (RST) -> XHTML convertor. It makes a few healthy (for me) assumptions: - the parameters are taken as paths to the source files. - if '-s' is listed in the parameters, then output is redirected to the stdout. - otherwise, the output is written to filenames in the current directory which have .html either appended or spliced/appended to the original filenames. - if '-e' is listed in the parameters, then the output is templated with the 'header.tpl' and 'footer.tpl' files Note: This needs to be refactored and some bits rewritten for disco. """ import os import re import settings import sys import traceback from codecs import open as open_file from optparse import OptionParser, OptionError from string import punctuation as PUNCTUATION from time import clock from docutils import nodes from docutils.core import Publisher from docutils.io import FileInput, StringInput, StringOutput from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from docutils.readers.standalone import Reader # this step takes time from docutils.writers.html4css1 import Writer as HTMLWriter from docutils.writers.latex2e import Writer as LatexWriter from docutils.utils import relative_path pimp('format/parser', 'IteratorParser') pimp('os/find') pimp('importer', 'load_module_from_code') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some konstants # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINE = '-' * 78 DOCTYPE = """""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # rst direktives # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def imap_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine): """Render image s""" attributes = {'format': 'html'} encoding = options.get('encoding', state.document.settings.input_encoding) image_alt = options.get('alt', '') image_class = options.get('class', '') attributes['source'] = imap_source = arguments[0] source_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(state.document.current_source) ) path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(source_dir, imap_source)) path = relative_path(None, path) try: state.document.settings.record_dependencies.add(path) raw_file = FileInput( source_path=path, encoding=encoding, error_handler=state.document.settings.input_encoding_error_handler, handle_io_errors=None) except IOError, error: severe = state_machine.reporter.severe( 'Problems with "%s" directive path:\n%s.' % (name, error), nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno) return [severe] text = raw_file.read().replace( 'ALT-GOES-HERE', image_alt).replace( 'CLASS-GOES-HERE', image_class) raw_node = nodes.raw('', text, **attributes) return [raw_node] imap_directive.arguments = (1, 0, False) # (required, optional, is-spaces-allowed-in-last) imap_directive.options = { 'alt': directives.unchanged, 'class': directives.class_option } imap_directive.content = False directives.register_directive('imap', imap_directive) # break! def break_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine): attributes = {'format': 'html'} if arguments: break_class = arguments[0] else: break_class = 'clear' raw_node = nodes.raw('', '
' % break_class, **attributes) # return [nodes.transition()] return [raw_node] break_directive.arguments = (0, 1, True) break_directive.options = { 'class':directives.class_option } break_directive.content = False directives.register_directive('break', break_directive) # code! def code_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine): """Prettify snippets into marked up html blocks""" attributes = {'format': 'html'} encoding = options.get('encoding', state.document.settings.input_encoding) code_type = arguments[0] content = "\n" + "\n".join(content) + "\n" content = str(content) # unicode gah text = _code2html(code_type, content) raw_node = nodes.raw('', text, **attributes) return [raw_node] code_directive.arguments = (1, 0, False) code_directive.options = { 'code_type':directives.unchanged } code_directive.content = True directives.register_directive('code', code_directive) # tasks! status_values = ('not started', 'in progress', 'completed') def is_a_valid_status(argument): return directives.choice(argument, status_values) def task_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine): if content: text = '\n'.join(content) info = state_machine.reporter.info( 'Directive processed. Type="%s", arguments=%r, options=%r, ' 'content:' % (name, arguments, options), nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno) else: info = state_machine.reporter.info( 'Directive processed. Type="%s", arguments=%r, options=%r, ' 'content: None' % (name, arguments, options), line=lineno) hmz = str(options) task_node = nodes.raw(hmz) return [task_node] task_directive.arguments = (0, 1, True) task_directive.options = { 'option':directives.unchanged, 'title':directives.unchanged, 'description':directives.unchanged, 'assigned-by':directives.unchanged, 'assigned-to':directives.unchanged, 'status':is_a_valid_status, 'predicted-eta':directives.unchanged, 'value':directives.unchanged } task_directive.content = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # konvert plain kode snippets to funky html # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def code2html(content): """Delegates code snippet -> html output to specific convertors""" code_type = content.group(1).strip().lower() content = content.group(2) return _code2html(code_type, content) def _code2html(code_type, content): if code_type == 'python': return py2html(content) elif code_type == 'pyrex': return pyx2html(content) elif code_type == 'ocaml': return ocaml2html(content) elif code_type in ['html', 'xml', 'zcml']: return xml2html(content).replace( '%s' % (content) def increment_counter(variable, context): if variable in context: context[variable] += 1 return context[variable] context[variable] = 0 return '' def py2html(content): """Convert raw python code snippets into css'd output""" content = content.replace( '"', '"').replace( '&', '&').replace( '@', '@').replace( '<', '<').replace( '>', '>') from mx.TextTools.mxTextTools import tag pimp('parser/mxspec/python', 'python_script as pytable') formatter = lambda text,tag=tag,pytable=pytable: tag(text, pytable)[1] return render_formatted_code('py', content, formatter, py2html.tag_dict) py2html.tag_dict = { 'all':('
'), 'comment':('',''), 'kw':('',''), 'parameter':('',''), 'identifier':(lambda x, context: '' % (x.strip(), increment_counter(x.strip(), context)), ''), 'str':('','') } def pyx2html(content): """Convert raw pyrex code snippets into css'd output""" content = content.replace( '"', '"').replace( '&', '&').replace( '@', '@').replace( '<', '<').replace( '>', '>') from mx.TextTools.mxTextTools import tag pimp('parser/mxspec/pyrex', 'pyrex_script as pyxtable') formatter = lambda text,tag=tag,pyxtable=pyxtable: tag(text, pyxtable)[1] return render_formatted_code('pyx', content, formatter, py2html.tag_dict) def xml2html(content): """Convert raw xml/html snippets into css'd output""" # note : this implementation is a really shit quik hak # -- fix when time allows content = content.replace( '"', '"').replace( '&', '&').replace( '<', '<').replace( '>', '>') from mx.TextTools.mxTextTools import tag pimp('parser/mxspec/html', 'htmltable') formatter = lambda text,tag=tag,htmltable=htmltable: tag(text, htmltable)[1] tag_dict = { 'all':('
'), 'comment':('',''), 'htmltag':('',''), 'text':('',''), 'tagname':('',''), '*syntax error':('',''), 'tagattr':('','') } return render_formatted_code('xml', content, formatter, tag_dict) def ocaml2html(content): """Convert raw ocaml snippets into css'd output""" from mx.TextTools.mxTextTools import tag pimp('parser/mxspec/ocaml', 'ocaml_table') formatter = lambda text,tag=tag,table=ocaml_table: tag(text, ocaml_table)[1] return render_formatted_code('ocaml', content, formatter, py2html.tag_dict) def render_formatted_code(code_type, content, formatter, tag_dict): """Parse using the formatter and render according to the tag_dict""" # parse taglist = formatter(content) if settings.debug: print taglist # prepend spesial 'all' tag: taglist.insert(0, ('all', 0, len(content), None)) # prepare splitting splitlist = [] context = {} merge_splits(splitlist, content, tag_dict, taglist, context) # do splitting & inserting splitlist.sort() l = [] li = 0 for ri, dummy, insert in splitlist: if ri > li: l.append(content[li:ri]) l.append(insert) li = ri if li < len(content): l.append(content[li:]) if l[2:3] == ['\n']: l[2:3] = '' # get rid of any preceding whitespace # return ''.join(l) output = ''.join(l).strip() # gah! if output.endswith(''): output = output[:-13] + '' return output def merge_splits(splitlist, content, tag_dict, taglist, context): """Recursive utility function to merge splits""" for id, left, right, sublist in taglist: try: pre, post = tag_dict[id] except KeyError: pre, post = '', '' if not isinstance(pre, basestring): pre = pre(content[left:right], context) if not isinstance(post, basestring): post = post(content[left:right], context) # len(splits) is a dummy used to make sorting stable splitlist.append((left, len(splitlist), pre)) if sublist: merge_splits(splitlist, content, tag_dict, sublist, context) splitlist.append((right, len(splitlist), post)) def doctest2html(content): """Convert doctest strings to css'd html""" out = [] for line in content.splitlines(): if line.startswith('>>>') or line.startswith('...'): line = '' + line + '' elif line: line = '' + line + '' out.append(line) return '\n'.join(out) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # pretty typographical syntax converter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def convert(content): """Convert certain characters to prettier typographical syntax""" # remember: the order of the replacements matter... content = content.replace( '<', '<').replace( '>', '>').replace( '"', '"').replace( '&', '&').replace( ' -->', 'HTML-COMMENT-ELEMENT-CLOSE').replace( '->', '→').replace( '<-', '←').replace( '---', '–').replace( '--', '—').replace( '<<', '«').replace( '>>', '»').replace( '(C)','©').replace( # hmz, why am i promoting ipr? ;p '(c)','©').replace( '(tm)','™').replace( '(TM)','™').replace( '(r)','®').replace( '(R)','®').replace( '...', '…').replace( 'HTML-COMMENT-ELEMENT-CLOSE', ' -->') icontent = IteratorParser(content) content = [] _scurly = _dcurly = False _space = True _apply = False index = 0 prev = '' while True: try: char = icontent.next() except StopIteration: break if not (_scurly or _dcurly) and _space: if char == "'": _scurly = index + 1 elif char == '"': _dcurly = index + 1 if _scurly and (_scurly != index + 1) and char == "'" and prev != '\\': try: n = icontent.next() if n in PUNCTUATION or n.isspace(): _apply = True icontent.push(n) except: _apply = True if _apply: content[_scurly - 1] = '‘' char = '’' _scurly = False _apply = False if _dcurly and (_dcurly != index + 1) and char == '"' and prev != '\\': try: n = icontent.next() if n in PUNCTUATION or n.isspace(): _apply = True icontent.push(n) except: _apply = True if _apply: content[_dcurly - 1] = '“' char = '”' _dcurly = False _apply = False content.append(char) prev = char index += 1 if char.isspace(): _space = True else: _space = False return ''.join(content) # perhaps === heading === stylee ? # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # the meta prettifier funktion which kalls the above ones # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def escape_and_prettify(content): """Escape them angle brackets appropriately and prettify certain blocks""" # our markers and our output gatherer _literal_block = _element = _content = False output = [] for i, block in enumerate(re.split('(?sm)<(.*?)>', content.strip())): # we setup the state if i % 2: _content = False _element = True if _literal_block and (_literal_block[1] == block): _literal_block = False if block == 'tt class="literal"': _literal_block = ('tt', '/tt') elif block in ['pre class="literal-block"', 'pre class="last literal-block"', 'pre class="code"']: _literal_block = ('pre', '/pre') elif block == 'pre class="doctest-block"': _literal_block = ('doctest', '/pre') else: _content = True _element = False # we do different things based on the state if _element: output.append('<' + block + '>') elif _content: if _literal_block: if _literal_block[0] == 'doctest': output.append(doctest2html(block)) else: output.append(block) else: output.append(convert(block)) output = ''.join(output) # gah! output = output.replace('<<', '<<') # praise be to them negative lookahead regex thingies output = re.sub('&(?![^\s&]*;)', '&', output) return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some utility funktions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def normalise_name(x): """Normalise a name/phrase into a canonically comparable form""" return '_'.join( x.strip().lower().split() ).replace("'", "").replace("-", "_") def render_drop_cap(content): """Render the first character as a drop capital""" content = content.groups()[0] if content: if len(content) >= 2: return '

' + content[0] + \ '' + content[1:] return '

' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some sektions could be a lot niser, e.g. adding auto-hide # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def render_toc(content): """Render table of contents with optional auto-hide toggler""" classes = content.group(1) div_class = content.group(2) toc_content = content.group(3) if classes.count('show'): _show_toc = 'show' _style = '' classes = classes.strip('show').strip() else: _show_toc = 'hide' _style = ' style="display:none"' return r"""

""" % (classes, _show_toc, _style, toc_content) # a global konstant intro_notes_id = 0 def render_intro_notes(content): """Render introductory notes with optional auto-hide toggler""" status, content = content.group(1), content.group(2) if status: status = status.strip().strip('-') _style = '' else: status = 'hide' _style = ' style="display:none"' cid = 'intro-notes' global intro_notes_id if intro_notes_id: cid += '-' + str(intro_notes_id) intro_notes_id += 1 return r"""

""" % (status, cid, cid, _style, content) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ehm, a rather domain spesific "plexlink" rendering # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def render_plexlink(content): """Render [[plexlink]] if it exists or add markup to indicate it doesn't""" content = content.group(1).strip().replace('"', '"') link_to = name = content if content.endswith('"') and content[:-1].find('"') != -1: index = content.find('"') link_to = content[:index].strip() name = content[index+1:-1] link = link_to = '_'.join( link_to.lower().split()).replace("'", "").replace("-", "_") link_to = ((link_to in WORKS) and link_to) or \ (('on_' + link_to in WORKS) and 'on_' + link_to) or \ (('on_the_' + link_to in WORKS) and 'on_the_' + link_to) or \ (('a_' + link_to in WORKS) and 'a_' + link_to) or \ (('person_' + link_to in WORKS) and 'person_' + link_to) or \ (('_'.join(link_to.split('/')) in WORKS) and \ '_'.join(link_to.split('/'))) if link_to: return '%s' % (link_to, name) if link.split('/')[0:1] == ['person']: link = '/'.join(link.split('/')[1:]) return '%s' % ( link, name) return '%s' % (link_to, name) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # again, pseudo-plexlink like inkludes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def render_includes(content): """Render [[# include-plexlinks]] and recurse until all are included""" title = plexname = content.group(1).strip() if plexname.endswith('"') and plexname[:-1].find('"') != -1: index = plexname.find('"') title = plexname[index+1:-1] plexname = plexname[:index].strip() plexname = '_'.join( plexname.lower().split()).replace("'", "").replace("-", "_") if plexname in WORKS: source = file(os.path.join(SOURCES, plexname + '.txt'), 'r').read() else: raise NameError, "plexname %s not found" % plexname #isource = IteratorParser(source) output = [] _start = False for line in source.splitlines(): if not _start: pass _start = True #line.startswith(':') and line.find(':', 2) != -1: if _start: output.append(line) return '\n'.join(output) #source_data = re.sub('(?sm)\[\[# (.*?)\]\]', plexlink_include, source_data) def fixup_headings(source, heading_level): """Fixup h1 .. h6 headings to fit toplevel headings appropriately""" pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # parse the :properties: included in a document # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include_author = """:Author: [[A brief history of tav "tav -- espian, artifex, symbiotic engineer"]] """ include_contents_no_break = """ .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 :backlinks: top .. sectnum:: :depth: 2 """ include_contents = include_contents_no_break + """ .. break:: hide """ def parse_headers(source_data, props, toplevel=False): """Parse the metadata stored in the file headers""" # we strip out some kommon editing characters source_data = source_data.replace( '>-> ', '').replace( '<-|\n', '').replace( '[[# author]]', include_author).replace( '[[# contents]]', include_contents).replace( '[[# contents-no-break]]', include_contents_no_break).strip() if not source_data: return '', props # strip_props = [ # 'summary', 'topics', 'author', 'version', 'date', 'authors', 'title' # ] strip_props = ['topics', 'summary'] new_data = [] # _reached_real_data = False iterative_source = IteratorParser(source_data.splitlines()) for line in iterative_source: # if ((not _reached_real_data) and if line.startswith(':') and line.find(':', 2) != -1: marker = line.find(':', 2) prop, value = line[1:marker], line[marker+1:].strip() if prop.lower() in strip_props: _strip_prop = True else: _strip_prop = False if not _strip_prop: new_data.append(line) while True: try: line = iterative_source.next() if not _strip_prop: new_data.append(line) except: break sline = line.strip() if sline and not (sline.startswith(':') and \ sline.find(':', 2) != -1): value += ' ' + sline else: iterative_source.push(line) if not _strip_prop: del new_data[-1] break props[prop.lower()] = value else: new_data.append(line) if settings.debug: print 'props:', props source_data = '\n'.join(new_data) # source_data = re.sub('(?sm)\[\[# (.*?)\]\]', render_includes, source_data) return source_data, props # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # utility wrapper funktions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def rst2tex(argv): """Convert rST (reStructuredText) into TeX.""" argv.extend(['--format', 'tex']) return main(argv) def rst2html(argv): """Convert rST (reStructuredText) into HTML.""" argv.extend(['--format', 'html']) return main(argv) include_regex = re.compile(r'.. include:: (.*?)\n') def include_data(content, base_directory): filename = content.group(1).strip() # filename = os.path.join(base_directory, filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print "Couldn't find:", filename data = '\n' + file(filename).read().strip() + '\n' if include_regex.finditer(data): data = include_regex.sub(include_data, data) return data def rst2txt(argv): source_filename = argv[-1] output_filename = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(source_filename) )[0] + '.txt' base_directory = os.path.dirname(source_filename) output_filename = os.path.join(base_directory, output_filename) if source_filename == output_filename: raise ValueError( "Source must have a filename which doesn't end in 'txt'." ) print '---> Creating', output_filename data = file(source_filename, 'r').read() output = file(output_filename, 'w') output.write( include_regex.sub( lambda content: include_data(content, base_directory), data ) ) output.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # our kore renderer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def render_rst(content, format='xhtml', encoding='utf-8', output_encoding=None, for_templating=True): format = format.lower() if format in ['html', 'xhtml']: Writer = HTMLWriter elif format in ['tex', 'latex', 'latex2e']: Writer = LatexWriter else: Writer = HTMLWriter # we parse for metadata whilst also rekursive includes if settings.debug: print clock(), '\t', 'starting prop find iteration' props = {} source_data, props = parse_headers(content, props, True) # we setup docutils and do the rst -> html konversion if settings.debug: print clock(), '\t', 'docutils setup' #sys.argv[1:1] = [ # "--no-generator", # "--traceback", # "--no-datestamp", # "--pep-references", # "--rfc-references", # "--trim-footnote-reference-space", # ] pub = Publisher(source_class=StringInput, destination_class=StringOutput) # pub.set_components('standalone', 'restructuredtext', 'html') # takes time # ^ line above replased by the below paragraph pub.reader = Reader(None, 'restructuredtext') # same as Reader() pub.parser = pub.reader.parser pub.writer = Writer() pub_settings = pub.get_settings() pub_settings._update({ 'input_encoding': encoding, 'output_encoding': output_encoding or encoding, 'footnote_references': 'superscript', # 'mixed', 'brackets' # 'report_level':2, 'halt_level':6, }, 'loose') pub.set_source(source_data) # we do the kore konversion if settings.debug: print clock(), '\t', 'docutils source -> rst' #data = pub.publish(description='', enable_exit_status=1) data = pub.publish(description='') # and, speaking of pubs, # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # A man goes into a pub, and the barmaid asks what he wants. # # "I want to bury my face in your cleavage and lick the sweat from between # your tits" he says. # # "You dirty git!" shouts the barmaid, "get out before I fetch my husband." # # The man apologises and promises not to repeat his gaffe. # # The barmaid accepts this and asks him again what he wants. # # "I want to pull your pants down, spread yoghurt between the cheeks of # your arse and lick it all off" he says. # # "You dirty filthy pervert. You're banned! Get out!" she storms. # # Again the man apologies and swears never ever to do it again. # # "One more chance" says the barmaid. # # "Now what do you want?" "I want to turn you upside down, fill your fanny # with Guinness, and then drink every last drop." # # The barmaid is furious at this personal intrusion, and runs upstairs to # fetch her husband, who's sitting quietly watching the telly. # # "What's up, Love?" he asks. # # "There's a man in the bar who wants to put his head between my tits and # lick the sweat off" she says. # # "I'll kill him. Where is he?" storms the husband. # # "Then he said he wanted to pour yoghurt down between my arse cheeks and # lick it off" she screams. # # "Right. He's dead!" says the husband, reaching for a baseball bat. # # "Then he said he wanted to turn me upside down, fill my fanny with # Guinness and then drink it all" she cries. # # The husband puts down his bat and returns to his armchair, and switches # the telly back on. # # "Aren't you going to do something about it?" she cries hysterically. # # "Look love -- I'm not messing with someone who can drink 12 pints of # Guinness..." # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if settings.debug: print clock(), '\t', 'post processing' # post rst-konversion prosessing if format in ['html', 'xhtml']: # [[plexlinks]] # data = re.sub( # '(?sm)\[\[(.*?)\]\]', # render_plexlink, # data) # syntax highlighting for kode snippets data = re.sub( '(?sm)

(?:\s)?<code class="(.*?)">(?::)?



', code2html, data) # support for embedding html into rst dokuments and prettifikation data = escape_and_prettify(data) # my own h3 header style data = re.sub( '(?sm)

#\n/ (.*?)\n#

', r'


', data) # various sektions data = re.sub( '(?sm)
', r'
', data) # table of kontents! # data = re.sub( # '(?sm)


', # renderTOC, # data) # toc href id and div adder data = re.sub( '(?sm)


(.*?)', '


', data) # table of kontents! data = re.sub( '(?sm)


', render_toc, data) # inserting an "#abstract" id data = re.sub( '
', r'
', data) # footnote refs looking a bit too superskripted # data = re.sub( # '(?sm)(.*?)', # r'\2', # data) # sektions data = re.sub( '(?sm)


', r'
', data) # sektions data = re.sub( '(?sm)


', r'
', data) # intro notes data = re.sub( '(?sm)
', render_intro_notes, data) # drop shadow wrappers for figures data = re.sub( '(?sm)
', data) # hmz, a name="" no no data = re.sub(r'', '', data) data = re.sub(r'', r'', data) # get rid of

around floating images

# data = re.sub( # '(?sm)

', # data) # niser

# data = re.sub( # '
', # r'
', # data) # drop cap them first letters # data = re.sub( # '(?sm)


', # render_drop_cap, # data, count=1) # try to decipher the document title title = re.findall('(.*)', data) if title: props['title'] = title[0] if for_templating: data = re.findall('(?sm)(.*)', data)[0] # strip out comments data = re.sub(r'(?sm)\n?\s*\s*\n?', '', data) if settings.debug: print clock(), '\t', 'end' return data, props # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ignore the following. we parse the skript parameters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(argv): argv = argv[1:] # WORKS = [f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(SOURCES) if f.endswith('.txt')] # setup the options op = OptionParser() op.add_option('-t', '--template', dest='template', default='', help="set the location to the template file") op.add_option('-f', '--format', dest='format', default='html', help="specify the output format") op.add_option('-e', '--encoding', dest='encoding', default='utf-8', help="set the default encoding") op.add_option('--output-encoding', dest='output_encoding', default=None, help="set the output encoding if it differs") op.add_option('-s', '--std-out', dest='std_output', default=False, action='store_true', help="redirect to standard out instead of to a file?") op.add_option('-o', '--output-directory', dest='output_dir', default=os.getcwd(), help="specify the output format") try: options, args = op.parse_args(argv) except SystemExit: return std_output = options.std_output and sys.stdout or None if not options.template: templating = False elif not os.path.isfile(options.template): print >> sys.stderr, "%r is not a valid template!" % options.template return else: template_file = open(options.template, 'r') template_data = template_file.read() template_file.close() from genshi.template import MarkupTemplate template = MarkupTemplate(template_data) templating = True output_directory = options.output_dir if (output_directory != 'FROM_FILE_PATH' and (not os.path.isdir(output_directory))): print >> sys.stderr, "%r is not a valid directory!" % output_directory return for source in args: if not std_output: print print LINE print 'Converting:', source print LINE print # we do various cheks to verify that we are transforming a text file if settings.debug: print clock(), '\t', 'the initial existence checks' if not os.path.isfile(source): print >> sys.stderr, "%r doesn't seem to be a valid file!" % source continue try: source_data = file(source, 'rUb').read() except: print >> sys.stderr, "Something fucked up reading %r" % source continue if '\0' in source_data: print >> sys.stderr, "Dies ist ein binary file!" continue # we make note of the basename of the file for future use source_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0] output_filename = source_basename + '.html' # try to derive a default title from the filename default_title = output_filename[:-5].replace('_', ' ') output_encoding = options.output_encoding or options.encoding output, props = render_rst( source_data, options.format, options.encoding, output_encoding, templating ) if templating: try: output = unicode(output, output_encoding) output = template.generate( title=props.get('title', default_title), content=output, props=props, filename=output_filename ).render('html', encoding=output_encoding) except: raise traceback.print_exc() output = DOCTYPE + output output = unicode(output, output_encoding) if std_output: print output else: if options.output_dir == 'FROM_FILE_PATH': output_directory = os.path.dirname(source) output_filepath = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename) if settings.debug: print output_filepath # output_file = open_file(output_filepath, 'wb', output_encoding) output_file = open(output_filepath, 'wb') output_file.write(output) output_file.close() print 'Done!' return def template_sample(data, props, template, default_title, output_filename): if 'topics' in props: topics = map(normalise_name, ' '.join(props['topics'].strip().split()).split(',')) else: topics = ['journal'] props['topics'] = topics title = props.get('title', default_title) if topics: topics_html = '

Related Topics

" else: topics_html = '' return data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # store them props # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def write_props_to_file(props, source_basename): """Store some of the properties to files""" summary_file = os.path.join(PROPS, source_basename + '.summary') if 'summary' in props: summary_file = file(summary_file, 'w') print >> summary_file, props['summary'] else: if os.path.isfile(summary_file): os.unlink(summary_file) title_file = os.path.join(PROPS, source_basename + '.title') if 'title' in props: title_file = file(title_file, 'w') title_file.write(props['title'].strip()) else: if os.path.isfile(title_file): os.unlink(title_file) def extra_bollocks(): # persist certain properties to files # write_props_to_file(props, source_basename) index_cgi = os.path.join(TOPICS, 'index.cgi') existing_symlinks = find.find(output_filename, TOPICS, 1) for symlink in existing_symlinks: os.unlink(symlink) for topic in topics: tdir = os.path.join(TOPICS, topic) nfname = os.path.join(tdir, output_filename) if os.path.isdir(tdir): os.symlink(output_filepath, nfname) else: os.mkdir(tdir) os.symlink(index_cgi, os.path.join(tdir, 'index.cgi')) os.symlink(output_filepath, nfname)