The Espian Rosetta Being an outline of The Plexnet Heptarchy. Roughly speaking, The Plexnet is an Operating System that makes heavy use of the internet. Designed by Tav Ino, it unifies and improves various protocols, applications, and systems that currently exist separately such as HTTP, P2P, browsers, and so on. For ease of explanation of how it works, The Plexnet may be broken down into seven main layers: Entities, Events, Storage, Services, Interface, Identity, and Networking, each of which are to be documented here. @ Plexnet Entities Entities are cryptographically-secure private databases that store information created by a single agent, individual, or organisation &c. Their backend is basically just a queryable set (the Entity itself) of hashtables (called Units). The information stored is metadata, so for example Entities should not be used to store binary data. Units only store property/value mappings. They may be made more useful with Schemas, which are like rules or contracts that affirm some condition, such as "this Unit should have an 'age' property; if it doesn't, consider the 'age' property value to be 0". A Unit that has one or more associated Schemas is called an Object. Entities may be queried to return the set of all Units that contain a specific property and value pair, for example all the Units containing {age: 18}. These resulting sets are called Indexes. @ Plexnet Events Any dynamism in the system, anything that changes such as a Unit being modified or so on, will have an associated sensor. If that sensor is on, it'll trigger an Event with any registered listener. As with Units, the Sensors may have conditions on them. @ Plexnet Storage There are four verbs in the Plexnet Storage mechanism: GET, PUT, EXISTS, INFO, and DELETE. These accord to the HTTP verbs, except for EXISTS which is like a simple status request, and INFO, which is like HTTP's HEAD. These verbs work on identifiers, which are combined (md5, sha1, sha256, tiger, whirlpool) digests of the content. The storage system is backend agnostic: it can be implemented over anything from the filesystem to a distributed hash table. @ Plexnet Services Plexnet Services are essentially simple remote procedure calls, allowing you to access functions on other systems. For example, there may be services to convert between currencies. The services will use the unix philosophy of being small modular units which emit straightforward easily parsable typed output, which can then be linked up to make larger services. Calls to these services will be embeddable inside documents and so forth, to facilitate the inclusion of live data. @ Plexnet Interface @ Plexnet Identity @ Plexnet Networking @ Summary: The Plexnet [@@ It's the way the layers interact that makes the Plexnet.] -- Sean B. Palmer,