This is an example of Typeplate, a CSS base style for nice typography on the web. It depends a lot on certain structure that you put into your HTML. For example, & is a bare ampersand, but & is a nicely span-styled one.
Headings should Just Work. Putting h3 immediately after h2 should work too:
Everything should have nice vertical rhythm.
Preformatted text should also work. Preformatted text is difficult to get right because it often more naturally looks better at a smaller font size to the main text, which then demands a smaller line-height. This tends to mess up the vertical rhythm.
Inline code works too
. Apparently code in pre is treated
This is regular.
Two lines of regular.
This is code.
Two lines of code.
This is an abbr.
Example of drop caps. The class is .drop-cap
There's lots of dl stuff; let's ignore that.
This is a blockquote.
We'll ignore figures too for now.