sgmlid.cxx Report PUBLIC and SYSTEM Identifiers of SGML Documents Source: Installation instructions: 1) You'll need SP, which is available from: The current version of which, and the one used in testing sgmlid, is available from: 2) Untar SP into its own directory, and follow the building instructions: you only need to *build* it, not *install* it. All you need SP for are the "generic/" and "lib/" directories, and "lib/libsp.a". 3) Run ./make-sgmlid (from the sgmlid package), giving the directory name of your sp build as the first argument. For example: ./make-sgmlid ~/sp-1.3.4 It should create the binary "sgmlid" for you. Using sgmlid: ./sgmlid filename or cat filename | ./sgmlid Example: $ ./sgmlid test.html 2> /dev/null PUBLIC: -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN SYSTEM: Please feel free to send me feedback: Thanks, Sean B. Palmer,