{ Avocet: A Primer } Avocet is a structured text language, along the lines of Markdown {http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/} or reST {http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html}, which allows you to more easily write documents for the web. This document gives a quick introduction to the format with examples, to get you started as quickly as possible. {{ Introduction }} Most of the basic features of Avocet will be familiar to anybody who has used a structured text language such as those found in a wiki or weblog software. For example, paragraphs are written like HTML paragraph elements but without the enclosing \

and \

tags. Lists can be written by prefixing each of the list items with "* ", "+ ", or "- ". Emphasis can be done by enclosing text with single asterisks, *, or underscores, _; and strong emphasis can be done by enclosing text with double asterisks, **, and underscores, __. For example, this Avocet source: {{{ "Hello there", she said. "Would you like to see my... *website*?" He didn't reply, only continued to write his shopping list for the day: * 3 Onions * Cabbage * Chocolate }}} Turns into this HTML: {{{

"Hello there", she said. "Would you like to see my... website?" He didn't reply, only continued to write his shopping list for the day:

}}} {{ Preformatting }} Where it starts to get interesting is with features such as Easy Preformatting. Preformatted sections are those in which you want whitespace to be preserved, so it follows that they likely have particular detectable configurations of whitespace. For example, consider this code: def hello(*args): for name in args: print "Hello %s!" % name Why must it be preformatted? Because of the whitespace on the second and third lines. The rules that Avocet uses for detecting preformatting are: if a block contains two spaces anywhere (except at the end), or any line starting with a space, "# ", "/* ", or "// ", then it's preformatted. Just in case this isn't enough, you can also delimit preformatted sections with "{{{" and "}}}" on single lines. If you have several Easy Preformatting sections together, they'll have a single \
 element wrapping them. For example, this Avocet input:

def hello(): 
   print "Hello, world!"

if __name__ == '__main__': 

Becomes this HTML:

def hello(): 
   print "Hello, world!"

if __name__ == '__main__': 
}}} {{ Ordered Lists, Headings, and Blockquotes }} Ordered lists, converting to \
    , are done like this: {{{ 1. This is the first list item. 2. This is the second list item. }}} You may also use 1), 2), et seq. style instead. Headings can be done in either of two ways: {{{ { Level One Heading } {{ Level Two Heading }} {{{ Level Three Heading }}} }}} Or: {{{ Level One Heading ################# Level Two Heading ===== Level Three Heading ----------------------- }}} You have to use at least three underline characters in the second kind. Both of these convert to the following HTML: {{{

    Level One Heading

    Level Two Heading

    Level Three Heading
