{ Avocet: A Primer } Avocet is a structured text language, along the lines of Markdown {http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/} or reST {http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html}, which allows you to more easily write documents for the web. This document gives a quick introduction to the format with examples, to get you started as quickly as possible. {{ Introduction }} Most of the basic features of Avocet will be familiar to anybody who has used a structured text language such as those found in a wiki or weblog software. For example, paragraphs are written like HTML paragraph elements but without the enclosing \
and \
tags. Lists can be written by prefixing each of the list items with "* ", "+ ", or "- ". Emphasis can be done by enclosing text with single asterisks, *, or underscores, _; and strong emphasis can be done by enclosing text with double asterisks, **, and underscores, __. For example, this Avocet source: {{{ "Hello there", she said. "Would you like to see my... *website*?" He didn't reply, only continued to write his shopping list for the day: * 3 Onions * Cabbage * Chocolate }}} Turns into this HTML: {{{"Hello there", she said. "Would you like to see my... website?" He didn't reply, only continued to write his shopping list for the day:
element wrapping them. For example, this Avocet input: def hello(): print "Hello, world!" if __name__ == '__main__': main() Becomes this HTML: {{{def hello(): print "Hello, world!" if __name__ == '__main__': main()}}} {{ Ordered Lists, Headings, and Blockquotes }} Ordered lists, converting to \, are done like this: {{{ 1. This is the first list item. 2. This is the second list item. }}} You may also use 1), 2), et seq. style instead. Headings can be done in either of two ways: {{{ { Level One Heading } {{ Level Two Heading }} {{{ Level Three Heading }}} }}} Or: {{{ Level One Heading ################# Level Two Heading ===== Level Three Heading ----------------------- }}} You have to use at least three underline characters in the second kind. Both of these convert to the following HTML: {{{
Level One Heading
Level Two Heading
Level Three Heading