Current state of the art of point and qsort: point = (x y) { Hash("x" = x, "y" = y) } array = ({point 10 20} {point 30 40} {point 50 60}) say { {array:2}:"y" } qsort = (L) { if {L == ()} { return () } pivot = {L:0} { qsort { filter {arg < pivot} {L:1:} } } + (pivot) + \ { qsort { filter {arg >= pivot} {L:1:} } } } TimBL on the path search problem: On the scoping, it seems as though lexical scoping is indeed the way to go and allowing dynamic scoping too is probably pointless. Adding conditionals to variables still seems like a good idea, noting that: While the vast majority of prototype-based systems are based around interpreted and dynamically typed programming languages, it is important to point out that statically typed systems based around prototypes are technically feasible. The Omega programming language discussed in Prototype-Based Programming [1] is an example of such a system. - Of course, just what constitutes a type is a bit hard to say at the moment, and how to refer to a type's name even harder. Clearly if the prototype links correctly then that's enough, so I guess that's not too bad. One can use block["proto"] for that link and hence block["proto"]["variables"] to do the lookup there. I'm still not sure about the cloning syntax. I don't like "new" as a keyword in programming languages, but it seems to be quite standard. Python got this very right with its calling, but that just can't be done in Pluvo with the prototype model. Now that scoping is pretty much impelemented, I'm wondering about let, and also how let would work with the scoping. It'd be a low-level operation bypassing env.bind, which is a bit of a shame. But nothing's going to really mess about with ["variables"] anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem. Setting a particular block to be the plant-base, to continue that metaphor, will be kinda tricky--or at least a low level operation. It'll have to set state that the interpreter can know about, probably in the interpreter itself unless there's a special key for it in the codeblocks. Pretty necessary for the prototypes though, and it could even have a nice funny name like "method"... It'd be nice to introspect a codeblock to see which variables it's going to use and then only set those in the closure variable bindings. Person = (name) { init = (name) { ... } } But then, funnily enough, the closed scoping created by method would actually limit the ability to write to instance attributes. Though having said that, as always, if a variable exists already in a higher scope then it'll be reset there, so that's no problem. The methoding only applies to new variables within a method. Person = (name) { # By being passed on the constructor, name is automatically an # instance attribute method details () { # Anything *set* in here, won't be visible externally say "Name: $name" } } john = { new Person "John Cowan" } john.details # Prints "Name: John Cowan" method could even pass the current block, a la Python, so you could easily set things by doing... hmm. obj.attr = something won't work unless . fernagles it somewhat--which I suppose it easily can. Documentation should be well integrated: Let syntax in: Destructuring objects is very cool, too. Woah, datetime datatypes--cool! The let syntax overused is a little annoying. Funny about the dispatch thing for operator extensions. * * * Document tests:
say { 5 + 3 }
=> 8

say { 5 + 1 }
say { 5 + 2 }
say { 5 + 3 }
=> 6
=> 7
=> 8
-- Sean B. Palmer,