Namespace ID: urn- Registration Information: Registration version number: 1 Registration date: 2003-@@-@@ Declared registrant of the namespace: Name: Sean B. Palmer Email address: Declaration of syntactic structure: urn := 'urn:' nid ':' time ':' ip ':' name nid := 'urn-' n n := number-assigned-by-IANA time := [0-9a-f]* ip := [0-9a-f]{8} name := urichar+ ;; imported from RFC 2396 ip is a hex version of an IPv4 IP address generated by concatenating the hex equivalent of each of the digits in the IP address. Examples of valid URNs under this scheme include: urn:urn-n:3edabdcb:5001bc12:homer urn:urn-n:3edabdd1:5001bc12:phenomic @@ Where urn-n will be replaced with the actual string... Relevant ancillary documentation: @@ unix epoch stuff, IP stuff... All URNs defined herein conform to:- - "URN Syntax", RFC 2141, May 1997, Moats, R. Identifier uniqueness considerations: @@ Identifier persistence considerations: Minters of instances of these URNs MUST ensure that they always denote the same resource in perpetuity, and are not reassigned accidentally or otherwise. Process of identifier assignment: Assignment of this URN scheme is fully open, as long as the following creation rules are obeyed. 1) get the elapsed time in seconds since [the epoch] as an integer. Convert it into a lower case hexadecimal string. @@ example 2) get your IP address. for each digit in the IP address, convert to hexidecimal. Concatenate the result. @@ example 3) concatenate 'urn:urn-n:' with the string obtained in 1) with ':' with the string obtained in 2) with ':' with a name of the creator's choice which must contain at least one urichar (and noting the stuff about dodgy characters in RFC 2396@@). @@ example Process for identifier resolution: None specified. Conformance with URN Syntax: Processors MUST follow the lexical equivalence considerations of the URN specification. Validation mechanism: None specified. Scope: Global.