[04:53] ok... so... textarea editing with emacs... [04:54] mozex seems to be the doodad. per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_editor_support [04:56] Mozex with UTF-8 in Firefox 1.5 http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~iam23/code/mozex/ [04:57] ugh... gotta restart mozilla... [04:57] * dcurtis (n=dcurtis@12-226-24-52.client.mchsi.com) has joined #swig [04:58] ahh, that's good I thought it was broken with 1.5 [04:59] oh my... my time context post evoked a comment that's longer than the post. http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/101#comment-1487 [05:00] pops up the editor? that's no good [05:00] someone needs to port emacs to Javascript [05:00] * DanC has no problem with editing in a separate window [05:00] does it work DanC? [05:00] umm... [05:02] hmm... how do I tell mozex what editor to use? [05:02] configuration options? http://mozex.mozdev.org/gfx/new_config_version.png [05:02] * DanC finds prefs dialog under tools/extensions [05:03] ugh... "cannot run executable 'emacsclient' ..." [05:03] * sbp wonders if it works across page navigations, e.g. an accidental back-and-forward [05:03] (but I can't copy/paste from the error dialog. ARGH!) [05:04] using /usr/bin/emacsclient fails silently... do I need a %s ? [05:05] looks like "%t" [05:05] t for tempfile [05:05] logger, pointer? [05:05] See http://chatlogs.planetrdf.com/swig/2006-03-21#T03-50-25 [05:07] * DanC wins thusly: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/102 [05:08] * dajobe waves to the chatlog readers of the future [05:08] * lkagal1 (n=lkagal1@ Quit [05:09] I often tweak postings after I post them; usually for xml-wf-ness, cuz I can't use validator.w3.org until I post (now I can use nxml-mode)... [05:10] ... figure I should "freeze" it after an hour or so... use comments or something after taht [05:10] I wonder what the norms are. [05:10] heh... udell has googlemark on rifkin's "life in a textarea" phrase [05:10] hard to figure out. Atom/echo argued about it for ages. [05:10] . http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2005/07/06.html [05:11] I wonder if drupal groks the outcome of that argument [05:11] if that works again, I'll be using it. I'm tired of textareas. I do a lot of wiki writing at work [05:12] well, aside from the config hassles above, it works as advertised in one case, for me. [05:12] DanC: have you run across the problem where M-q (fill-paragraph) in nxml-mode formats block level elements correctly until there's an entity in them? bugs the heck out of me [05:13] entities... including the magic five? I don't use any others. [05:13] yes, I believe so. testing... [05:13] my annoyance about nxml-mode is it totally dies on   (I think) [05:13] trying to recall where I used that, hmm. [05:13] dies on  ? my experience is quite to the contrary... it displays the corresponding character right next to it [05:14] confirmed that the justification bug happens with just, e.g., a single < in the content [05:14] very nice for · (the little dot used on http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ ) [05:15] * JibberJim (n=none@port0089-adc-adsl.cwjamaica.com) has joined #swig [05:15] (  is fine for me too, but I use emacs in a term so that's to be expected) [05:15] .cp ^00B7 [05:15] * dajobe can't find the file [05:15] 00B7: MIDDLE DOT () [05:15] * DanC considers a "I hate it when my text editor..." blogmeme [05:16] ... isn't emacs [05:16] heh [05:21] boy, my DNS is slow lately [05:52] * DanC fleshed out http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/102 [05:54] sessionsaver does a pretty good job for firefox saving state [05:54] but probably not to emacs levels [05:54] yeah, norm mentioned that to me; it's in my delicous sysadmin todo bucket, I think [05:55] ok,here I seem to be using Tab Mix Plus which comes with such a thing, rather than sessionsaver. [05:56] wow... it took 1.5hrs to set that up and blog about it. [05:56] how's that agenda coming? [05:56] I use a keylogger as extra backup [05:56] er... no, 1hr [05:57] I finished the agenda during work time. http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/weekly-agenda [05:57] it's no good if, say, you're making lots of small edits to some code [05:57] * dajobe was joking ;) [05:57] well, the joke was quite relevant to my musing... [05:57] but if you're writing prose freeform with few edits it can be very helpful [05:58] I could have saved myself half an hour by not blogging about it, but then I would have felt out of equillibrium with the web. [05:58] not that I've had to use it more than a scant handful of times, but that's worth more than the amount of effort it took to setup, which is minimal. it's also the source of some interesting statistics about my writing habits [05:59] keylogger... do you follow ElephantNeverForgets? or do you occasionally ForgiveAndForget? [05:59] i.e. do you wipe the log after a week or so? [05:59] ElephantNeverForgets, yeah [05:59] it's very rare that I wipe any data. storage is so cheap [06:00] it's not storage that costs. it's privacy [06:00] true, though if it's encrypted and on discs I don't mind too much [06:00] do you keep it encrypted? [06:00] * DanC notes we're on to ConfidentialityVersusAvailability [06:00] * sbp looks guilty all of a sudden [06:00] I don't, but I keep telling myself... [06:00] :-) [06:01] with this, availability isn't much of a requirement so I don't really have an excuse [06:01] well, PITA-factor is always an excuse [06:01] true. I suppose that's why you don't tend to keep backups? [06:02] privacy isn't really the word... I think accountability is more like it. I don't want to be accountable for _everything_ I type forever. Not even to myself. [06:02] I try to work as much as I can in websites that're svn'd and distributed across the web now. I have at least four copies of much of my work now, on three different computers [06:03] yes, I work under the principle that if it's important, the world will help me preserve availability. [06:03] it's one of the reasons that my price for going back to the .com world is _very_ high. [06:03] yeah, me neither, but on the other hand Data That Isn't Consumed Rots, right? there's a strange dichotomy or tension with computers where on one hand you cannot preserve information enough (who's to say all this data will be readable in 5 years? what if the discs go AWOL?) and then on the other hand the web doesn't forget quickly enough (eek, all my embarrassing www-html posts) [06:04] perhaps that leads to a law--if you want information to stick around, you have to make it embarrassing! [06:04] * DanC is reminded of the "A is for.." post [06:04] the .com world: because it's all behind closed doors necessarily? [06:05] yes. well, with few exceptions (ubutntu/canonical) [06:06] * valmont (n=chrishol@dsl092-043-004.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net) has joined #swig [06:06] "A is for.." post: got pointer? I don't recall it, and Google is giving me nowt [06:06] I think the only things that I back up are the family photo album and my personal email. [06:07] is it not safe to assume that planetrdf.com is in cache? ;-) [06:08] ohh, http://dannyayers.com/2006/03/20/the-a-in-a-list-stands [06:08] yes [06:08] heh, I saw that but didn't read the title, if you can believe that [06:08] * grove (n=grove@graph.ontopia.net) has joined #swig [06:08] hmm... I didn't consider where my "no more life in a textarea" post would get split. hm. [06:08] I read danja's blog in bookmark-group rotation, not through a syndication client [06:10] I remember Gerald said the same thing about photos and email [06:10] "If my house or apartment were to burn down, the biggest tragedy I could imagine (aside from people being injured or killed) would be to lose the only copy of items that are truly personal -- pictures and negatives, souvenirs from trips you've taken; none of the other junk (furniture, computers, etc.) would really matter." - http://impressive.net/people/gerald/site/why.html [06:11] hmm... OINK... we just reviewed sandro's semwalker today. (and timbl did tabulator not too long ago) - 2006-03-21 (timestamps in UTC), irc.freenode.net #swig