איסילדור איזילדור איזילדור יסילדור יסילדור מוגלגים מוגלים @@ $$$ * * * ** # 0153 eastasianwidth-3.txt 0o77777777 red 0o77777777 white 0xA700061 0xDeADbEEf 1 10 10013R 1010011100000000000001100001 "10\/3" 1..1000000000 11,500 121,000 1.3297846 1336 1337 133t 138 140,000 146000 1,520,000 157,000 1,7724538509055160272981674833411 1.7724538509055160272981674833411 190,000 1,910,000 "" 2 20 2000 201C 25,270,000,000 29100 298,000,000 3 30 365000 365,000 37600 392,000 40 41..43 4194304 4194305 42 433,000 45679CDEJKNTXZgiklms 4,630,000 47,500 475,000 495 495 die 4amish 4suite 50,900 5,280,000 55800 603.264.2294 709,000 738,000 75,300 75,300: 37,600! 80 87100 88400 90 90400 9,370 9.420 9..9000000000 a þ A700061 "Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ Wolpert" "a * a day keeps the doctor away" "Aa megamisama!" "Aaron Mathews" "Aaron Mathews" -baseball "Aaron Swartz" aba "a banana a day keeps the doctor away" abba abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com ablewhackets abracadabra absofrackinglutely absofragginglutely absofrickinglutely absofrickinglutely -swhack absofrigginglutely absofuckinglutely abstruseness abstrusity accepted multiple arguments accidentistry actuslly "acute service" "Ada language" "a day keeps the doctor away" "a day keeps the doctor away" -apple "add-hook 'viper-load-hook" addresses Adhagrow "A Dhagrow" admist "adoptive bare-bones" adresses "+ADw-script+AD4-" aedeagus çelik Çelik "Aero the Acrobat" aethersphere AFAIS aforelinked Aggrenstein agreeeth agri-business "a hairbrush" a-hat a-hat asshat a-hat asshat: 679 "a heirloom" "a homepage" Ahomosezwut "a hyperlink" aight ail "ailing bout" AIRJGPAijrgaijrGIPARJGPAIjrga "a * is you" Ajax cleaner alchymical Alezan Alezanian "aliens ate my babysitter" Aliens ate my babysitter! allatime allatime-babies allinurl Allodoxaphobia allright "all right" "All Rights Reversed" "All this time I've been VIEWING a RUSSIAN MIDGET SODOMIZE a HOUSECAT" "all wrongs reversed" "All Your Compliant Are Belong To Us" "all your Soviet Russia are belong to base" almanacal almanacate almanacial almanacic almanacinine almanackish almanacous almanacy alot "a lot" alright amavisd Amayanine ambcow "ambiential triphop" "ambient techno" "ambient triphop" American archivist instinct American Union of Cunning Linguists Americentric amidst "an * a day keeps the doctor away" anadogmatic jihad "an adventurer is you" "an air-loom" "anal plu" analysis "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" "and die" and die and @google fight come up with such diff results and it'd cause havoc and .seen are xena proxy commands in here. they're not activated in other channels because of clashes with xena (whereas in here I keep her +q'). you can still do phenny: and .seen work? Anger-Trno Anger-Tron "an hairbrush" "an heirloom" "an homepage" "an hyperlink" animadversion animadversity animous "an * is you" "an * is you" -adventurer "Anna Kournikova Beanie Babies" anniversary aniversary anodyne Anria antegooglewhackblatt anticipant anticipent anticonformist anticontrary antidisperfectionalisation antimonty antiundisevangelistic jihad Antivereinigenstaatensconstitutionen Antivereinigenstaatensconstitutionenspirituoesenwarenhaendler Antropomorphisizing "an URI" "an URL" apaplications "a pony for you" apophtegm apophthegm apopthegm appendex appindex Apple "application/n3" appropinquation "a problem occur while" archaeomillinery "arecibo california" arecibo california "arecibo puerto rico" arecibo puerto rico ... argh argo "argumentum ad jocularum" "argumentum ad joculerum" arhotic Armageddon Armagheddon armigerous "Armitage Shanks" Arnia Arniabot Arnia buckinghamshire Arnia bucks bucks in bucks arnia is a poopy head whinny whoa Arnita Falsecock Arnita Falsecog "a robe-ruiner" arsed-up arseinine "arsenic alloy" artefact artifact artisanal "art is cheating" "así se hace" ASCIIfarians ascii-ism asciipatbile asciipatible "ash behave" ash buttflanger " lalala" ash-review-board ashronym "a silver mount zion" "a silver mt. zion" ASOASF assaholic "Assburger's syndrome" assertation assertion assfuckery assful assfull assfulls assfuls asshaberdashery asshat asshatery asshattery "assjack" assjunk ass-lobster asstastic asstasticity astriicks "ate my balls" ate.my.committee "at its vogue" "at its zenith" atmos final fantasy "a tomar por culo" Atom Wiki Naming Rules atoun AttemptToCrushSbpWithClosedAshException "at the zenith of its vogue" "At weekends my name is Mandy." 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everything" 'bots suck "bot strike" bot to bot meetings (b2b) botulism bot bozo bit breatharian Bricklin "brim and rafters" "bring girl giggling, by yin inn" "bristol swingers" British archivist instinct "British Civil Liberties Union" "britons have a word for everything" Brooke "Brunt the Bear" bubblehead "buck up her ideas" "buck up his ideas" "buck up your ideas" buffered solution bug "bullet-ridden" "bullet-riddled" bullshot "Bumble-bee Briars" "Bumbly Briars" bumzor "bundle of clay" "bundle of clay" "bundles of diaereses" "bundles of diareses" Bushie BushIE busticated bustified butterfly buzzwhack "buzzwords on a string" bytecraft byteharder byteherder byteherding bytesexual byte-sexual bytetorrent cacheur Cairibou cake pagan "cake paganism" cake paganism "cake pentagram" cake pentgram "cake satanism" cake satanism "California XSLT" "Campcommander Kent" "camp of queers" campsy "cannon are" "cannons are" carbon monofilament carbon monofilament -fish "carbon monofilament" -fish 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Bricklin" DanC Daniel dataformagicians dataglut dataglutton datons dave fucking idiot dave winar Dave Winer "dave winer" asshole dave winer asshole dave winer fucker "dbus sucks" deallocated deathmatch on #swhack! death to sbp death to sean debatable debateable de belli gallicum debelly "debian sarge" "debian sid" "debian stable" "debian testing" "debian unstable" "debian woody" debris debug declick unclick decodependence "decoupletly" dedialect dedubg Dee-lite deer park xform extension test "defeat with success" defence defense defenze "!define" "#define DEFINE" "#define _GNU_SOURCE" "define _GNU_SOURCE" deflimsify deflimsy "degaussed superabundance" "degeneralized boolean" de-install "deja vous" delete "+del.icio.us" del.icio.us delit delith dennohkukaan dennohkuukan dennoukukaan dennoukuukan depatched "dependently typed" depthful derogatorily descovery Desoxyribonukleinsaeure despondent matter destination asshole detholwch detritus devalidator "devilish awesome" "devilish awesome 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"goddamn mother in law" "God Save the Cuisine!" Golingies gonzohttpd "good advise" google google bling-bling google borg googlebotted googlebottled "Google buys SixApart!" googlecount googlecount -site:swhack.com googlecunt Googlefish "Google IRC" "Google Kleenex" "Google Patent" "Google Patent (Beta)" "Google rocks" "google rules" "Google Sex" Google's motto is Don't do evil while watching porn "google sucks" "google tubes" googlewhackblat googlewhackblats googlewhackblatt gookbox goombastard gorkery goth-modding "got lei'd" "got lei'ed" "got ley'd" gotten -ill site:.co.uk gotten site:.co.uk gotten site:news.bbc.co.uk Gpatent "GPU cluster" graffiti graffitis graffito "Grand High Oompa-Loompa syndrome." 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I had sex with that klingon "I hate diseases" "I hate linux" "I hate mac" "I hate Microsoft" "i hate my linux" "I hate my Mac" "I hate my pc" "I hate my windows" "I hate PC" "I hate Windows" "I hate your Mac" "I have two fish in my whirlpool" "IIR the URL C" iland ileand "I like diseases" "I'll give you a pony" illiteral illiterati illiterature "imaginary numbers" imbotonate iMediumspeedvideopodcasting immanentise your eschaton "immature optimization" immootable "I'm not gay but my boyfriend is" "I'm not gay but my girlfriend is" "I'm not gay but my * is" "Impeach George W. Bush. Impeach him now." "imperial buttload" "imperial shitload" "impractical applications" "Improper Language" "I * my scrappy" inarguable -inconsequential "incontinent posh spice" indefectable "indefinite future perfect tense" "indian endian" inequitous I never had sex with that klingon "ineXtensible Markup metaLanguage" infoglut infoglutton inforcing infovore infovores infraparadox "Inga Rancid" ingorance ingoring iniquitous "in its vogue" "in its zenith" "ink-wiring" ink-wiring inquisiturient "insane marshmallow" "insane marshmallow dances" "insane marshmallow peeps dances" insane marshmallow peeps dances "insane mother in law" inscrutabilia insensate insipidlessnesses Install Linux from USB Mp3 Player "instant blogger" insuperable insurmountable __int1024 __int128 __int256 __int4k __int512 intercourse "International Camp Day" internationalisation internationalization internet "internet doorbell" Internet Explofox Navigatera Internet Explofox Navigator internet explorer aix "Internet Explorer Compliant" internet explorer hp-ux internet explorer linux internet explorer solaris "Internet Investigator" interplanetarization interrobang intertwingly into "in to" inurl inurl:boston.openguides.org inurl:crschmidt.net * inurl:notabug.com * inurl:sitemap.gz inurl:sitemap.xml inurl:sitemap.xml.gz inurl:www.eros-os.org/pipermail/e-lang/ "Kevin Reid" "invoke the gorge" iPatent "IP Subnet Calculator" "IP Subnet Calculator" "Mac OS X" "IRC chat" irreducable irreducible irreducible -complexity irreducible fraction irreducible -fraction irreducible milk irreducibly is "is" is back, so no more .mg (though you can still use it) is better; .mg (metagoogle) if you're desperate. "I shot the designer" "I shot the fantasy" "I shot the monospace" "I should stop now while I've got all zeroes" I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor any form of diagram, especially the UML ones ismism "is perhaps most basic idea" "is perhaps the most basic idea" is #swhack's garbage collector. is that I was all "oh man, someone already coined euphemismise" itemtree "I think I MAY NEED A BATHROOM break" "I think I MAY NEED A BATHroom break" "MAY NEED A BATH" "it is an ex-periment" "it Jim I'm a doctor not a" itneraface ittywhonk Ittywhonk! ittywhonkuivalent "I want a pony" "I was just sorry ever after" "I was your sorry ever after" iWii ixlym izzky izzpy J2EE worst invention ever jackass jackholery jaeby jaech jaeld jaepy "Jake Wolpert" James "James the Shit" "Janie Rows" "japanese have a word for everything" Japper "Jargon in Old High German" java "java.lang.NullPointerException" "java programming language" Java worst invention ever Javier "Javier Candeira" jcowan "jcowan blows" jeanswapper "jeet yet" jerkbot "jerking make" "jerking of" "jerking off" Jessica "jessica allan" jessical jetscreamer jetscreamer, a nobody jetscreamer, a somebody jibberish JibberJim JibberJim, "a nobody" JibberJim, "a somebody" jiber jiggajoggy "jiggling posties" jigglings jiggy-joggy jilldaw jillzilla jim Jim Jim Gibber "Jim, I'm a doctor" "Jim Jibber" Jim Jibber Jim Lay "Jim Ley" joe aka arnia "Joe Geldart" jography John "John Domain" John Domain "John Hannah" "John Prism" "jolly junket" Jonathan "jon hana porn" jon hana porn star "Jon Hanna" jon hanna porn star joomla joonn "Joss Whedon" Angel "Joss Whedon" Buffy "Joss Whedon" Firefly "joy division" joyjoyjoyjoyjoyjoyjoy joyly joypi jshttpd jsled "JSON is YAML" json syndication jspue Julio Julio and Brooke julio on brooke action julio television brooke justrank jxj "jxJ juxtaposition" jyzyn "kadinski korsakov" kandinski karmakazi "karma prostitute" "karma whore" katal "keebler elves own you" "Keep on Fuckin'!" "Keine Rechnungen einwerfen" kerouacesque kerouacy kestrel software kevin asshole "kevin hemenway" asshole kevin hemmenway keykeeper "Khara Matha Khara Rath Amah" khotnewstuff.exe KILL CUSTOMER KILL KILL DIE DIE DEATH DEATH FIRE FIRE ARRRRRGHHHHHHH killertrauma "kill me, not the money" kill me, not the money "kill me, not the monkey" kilobittorrent Kingess kirstan Klingon Levinsky Klingon Lewinsky "knot eye" knowmean kpreid kpreid, your turn dude kragen.auto kreutz kristan kristen kristin kristna KTWSFN kunterbunt kunterbuntu kyone kyoni l337 l33t l33tmotif lack of sheep "la Coca Cola" "ladybird, ladybird, fly away home" L'Aiglon lairy lalala lambda-ise lambda-ize "lambda manifesto" "Lana Gulp" "lands of lore" lands of lore "la pasteurisation" "Lapdog Shoesnog" "la Pepsi" "La Rochefoucauld" "La Rochefoucault" lasermaserbobaserbananafanafofaser [last --from sbp] last.rites.several.times last.rites.tree.times last.rites.twice latexpaintmonkey "LATIN SMALL LIGATURE CT" "LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST" "Laurie Mylroie" lazyless "learning curveball" "le Coca Cola" leet leoet "le pasteurisation" "le Pepsi" Les "lesbian cow" "lesbian cowboy" "lesbian cowgirl" lese-majeste lese-majesty "Les Ozarques" lessee lessor Lester "LET ME PEOPLE ... BOW!!" "LET ME PEOPLE ... FAUX!!" "LET ME PEOPLE ... KNOW!!" "LET ME PEOPLE ... SNOW!!" "LET ME PEOPLE ... TOW!!" "LET MY PEOPLE ... BE YOUR PEOPLE!!" "LET MY PEOPLE ... SHOP!!" "Let's mosey" lexiconnoisseur lezee lgbt lgbt inurl:.com lgbt inurl:.uk "/lib/perl5/5.8/unicore/UnicodeData.txt" lice|lice "Lie, cheat, steal, leave the toilet seat up." ligature eastasianwidth-3.txt liger animatrope liger sex lightnets like like.champagne air like|like like|llike Linda-a-Velha lineal linear linguasstics link:http://infomesh.net/ -site:infomesh.net link:http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%83%83%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0_%28%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%29 link:http://swhack.com/ link:http://swhack.com/ -inurl:swhack.com link:http://swhack.com/ +inurl:swhack.com link:http://swhack.com/ -site:swhack.com link:www.google.com Linux "liquid hydrothane" lirili larala liteformat liteformats lithely lithp "litigative vituperation" "litmus trojan" littlebit Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch "Llewellyn Ash" lllllllllllama loepy lolffle lollard lollipop hero Londonword "Lone Green Valley" "Pretty Polly" Longhron lookiting lookupicate lookupize lookupper looniest "loose consensus and running code" "Lord of the Cock Rings" lorst loseotron louse louse|louse "lover case" "lover case lower" lowercase "lower case" "lower case lower" "lower lover case" Lughnasadh Lughnassadh lulla lunquewhit MAC macaroniest macbook "MacBook Pro" macbook too rude :) MacEspagnola mackem Magellanic Magellanicity "magical porn" magic perl magic pypy magic python "magnificent Microsoft" magnificent Microsoft major-generals majors-general "make manifest thy entire ability" "making jerk" "making of" "making off" malaclypse maladministrations malaprop "Male Jazz Mags" mana -fantasy mana -seiken manboobies manboobs man boobs manbreasts mangirl maniaphobiaphobia mantits mapchester "Marc Pincus" "Marc Pinkus" markhov markov "markov chains" "Mark Pincus" "Mark Pinkus" "married a car" "married a nerd" "married a tv" "married with donkies" "married with ponies" "marshmallow pepys" marshmallow pepys masculin masculine massviley "mathml sucks" "matix was crap" "matrix was crap" matt Mattis "maximise the utility of your existential description" McEspagnola McHaggis McPalmer McPalmers me mean "divide by two"? "Meaning of English as to put it more generally... coding something i'd miss tho "Meaning of Liff" "measure of a man" Meateor "mechanical turk" mechasm medicalpathy medotholgy medothology memevolution "mental exercise" "men who were masters of their stillliving craft" "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sedna" merkin metaabstraction metachanical metacognition metadada "metadata are" "metadata is" "metadat are" metaghyll metagoosed metajargon metamethodology metaontology metapolygoosed metazen Meteoinfomatics Meteorinfomatics methinksian methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphenylalanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylaspartylalanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylserylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspartylglycylprolyl methodologic methodologies methodologification methodologise methodology "metric buttload" "metric fuckton" mewl .mg "Michael Leonhard" "mickey morse" micromanagement microscule Microsoft microsoft borg "Microsoft Sofa.NET" microvaveable microwavable microwaveable middleendian middlendian middlenibbel "Midsummer Night" -Dream "June 20th" "Midsummer Night" -Dream "June 21st" "Midsummer Night" -Dream "June 22nd" "Midsummer Night" -Dream "June 22rd" "Midsummer Night" -Dream "June 23rd" Midsummer Night "June 20" Midsummer Night "June 20-21" Midsummer Night "June 21" Midsummer Night "June 21-22" migt "Mike_L" "Mike Leonhard" "milky, not the cunny" "milky, not the honey" millipixels "mil-spec design" mil-wash mindspam "Mine's Bigger Than Yours" Miri "misanthropic principle" misassembled miscellany "misses using" missleading "miss using" Miss U Zing. missviley mistomb "mistusing" mitnichten mitsaken mizoorans mochamonkey Moira moistware moneysex mongeese mongoose mongoosed mongooses "monkey sex" monopsonism monorail monoverb Monty Montyfied MontyHasBeenHackedBySbp Montyian Botspeak "MONTY is flawed" Montyists Montymaniacs Monty.NET Monty's Polish Botspeak "Monty Swhacker" Montytailed "Monty tell me" moonbathe moonbathing "moon errors" "Moon Toys" "Moon Toys" "made in taiwan" morbolithic "Morbu Iffsu" morbus Morbus morbus asshole "Morbus ate my balls" Morbus "butter dogs" "Morbus Crohn" morbusiff "morbus iff" asshole "Morbus iffy" "Morbus Language" morbus nevah Morbus nevvah morbus nut swhack Morbus panties Morbus perky ass morbusradish "Morbus Smiff" "Morbus Smith" "Morbus Stiff" "Morbus Tiff" morbus watches pornography "Morbus Whiff" "Morbus Yiff" "more stupiderest people" "more stupider people" "most stoopidest person" mothered adoption "motley crue" motley crue Mousseilieresesesiiae "Mozilla 0xFF" mp3 muckety muck muckety-muck mucklemaist "muckle maist" mucky muck mucky-muck "muddying the waters" mufudi "muggle mugs" mugglology mugs Multics Munchchester "municipal corporation" inurl:.uk municipality municipality inurl:.co.uk mushfaker "mute cowgirl" "mute lesbian cowgirl" MVS "my favourite number is" my favourite number is "My foot wears my shoe in the rain in june." "my girlfriend is directx" "my girlfriend sucks" "my goddamn roomate" n00b5p34k n00bsp33k n00bspeak n00bspeek "n3 sucks" "Namespaces in XML sucks" nanomanagement "nanotechnological turk" narval python "National Camp Day" nawmean NBDuckBot neatly-dividedly needs fixing (see, e.g., negatedly negatory pository negentropy neglige negligent nemo net netcat netherlandaise neutrinity nevaeh "never change a running gag" "never mind the whatocks?!" neverseenbefore Nevillean Nevilleans nevvah newbie html "New Google Look" newsfroup NewsWatcher nibtricks niggardl niggardly nimoy turgidness ningnut noöp "nobody buggers a hedgehog" "nobody has donkeys in their garage" noctau "no it's not, norwegians are renowned for your small dicks" nondeterminer nonese nonetheless "non-lossy telephone" nonsensible nonsound "Non-Terrestrial Officers" nontheless nonthless noos iosity "no pony for you" "no results found" "normatising power of consensus" "normative force of the factual" "normative power of consensus" "normative power of the factual" "normative strength of the factual" "normatizing power of consensus" "NOT a good thing" inurl:rfc "NOT a good thing" inurl:rfc site:ietf.org "Not A Syndication Format" "notation3 sucks" "not on your nellie" "not on your nelly" "not sound" not working in #svg ... http://svg.jibbering.com/svg/2005-03-01.html#T11-51-22 noumy "no you can't have a pony" nscp nscp ssh "nuclear hand-grenade" nuij NullBlogException numeroromanymic nycthemeron nylgia obchoice "Obtain the career you have always wanted with the University Degree you deserve." obtruseness obtuseness obtusity Octalword Octavics octettorrent "o'doyle rules" oeuvreload "of" often gets broken with queries like that ogbuji ogbuji -egbuji "Oh clever bot, one rule is true" "Oh clever *, one rule is true" "oh my goddess" "oh my googleness" "Oh my litte p**** waves with joy!" "OH MY LOLNESS!" ohnf oil oldster Omnialtavistaization Omniamericanization Omniapplization Omnigooglization omnilithic Omnimicrosoftization Omniyahooization on is already indexed from the logs and we always get 1? " only the white ones" onslaughtive ontonym ontosaurus OOB out-of-bounds oogle -google oonae oopsilon "open(__file__).read()" "open(__file__).read()" some unix trick? "&/or" oregano Organizationism "organized chaos" orko OT outroad overflough owm owm|owm oxbridge oxlym ozymandias p6re "packed to the rafters" "packet monkeys" Paeleography "pail of cum" "pail of pre-cum" "pails in comparison" pain measurements for fun and pleasure pajno palej Paleography "pales in comparison" "palls in comparison" palmate "Pamela Anderson" pandamal paralysis paramsadgurushreegajananmaharaj parsts partsome "party line protocol" IRC pastebinned pastekitten Patentr paulianity paulinanity pavewalk penes penes -el PENGUIN Penguincubator "Penis Measuring Contest" "penis wax" pentaeder peppy peridaxis peridaxis meeting peridexis perken "perken up" perl "Perl 5.10" "perl considered harmful" perl-escent "perl is evil" "perl is fun" "perl morbus" "perl sucks" "perl sucks ass" "perl sucks balls" Perl worst invention ever personæ personae "Personal Home Page" personas personati pertiplus pescatarian "pessimistic concurrency" petapixels pflargle phaeton phaetons phanton phantons phenny phenomicity phlip phonaestheme phonaesthetic photoesagenymphets php cluessness / "PHP Hypertext Processor" "php sucks" phumphaing phumphasing "pick me up foxy night game" picomanagement "picture locusts" "Pirate Language" piscestrian "piss conferences" planetplanetplanet platipussies plati-pussies platipussies ] ~ 6 day(s) 21 hr(s) 30 min(s) 57 sec(s) ago platypussary "please don't say anything that might destroy your potential future political career" pleungtocks plexnet plicit "plicit -implicit -complicit" plicit -implicit -complicit plicit -implicit -complicit -explicit plimpplampplettere Pluifairllagunblancoryllentiostillrhebiddgurypluitysiliocafurnrys plumbrat plumhole plumperfect "pluperfect indefinite future perfect tense" plurilithic plused plusquamperfect plusquamperfect "Past Perfect Simple" plussed pluvo pluvo-latest plyky "p\/\/n3d!!1!" pneumonoultramicroscopicsillacovolcanoconisis pockyopathy podecoint Podner Poikilophronesis pointful poke "pokemon in hardcore action" "poker dot" pollbooth polygoos polygoose polygoosed polylithic pomothic pongy poniecode ponytainment poogle "pop behaviorism" "pop evolution" poppet poppot poppy "Popular Porn Starlet Steals Your Virginity" porn porn inurl:swhack.com pornosonic pornscript porn site:swhack.com "Porsgrunn Porselensfabrikk" postcognition posted using ljtalk posteeen postelektoral postrank potarto poundicule "Powered by Ph.D" practicises praenomen prawled precessive salesforce [precessive salesforce] precessive salesforce predecessor salesforce predelinquently prefore pregress "prehensile labia" prerank presense presumptuous sailorman prevaricate "principal principle" "principle principal" probably probafake procrastinate "program that will take over the world" prograomgraongaornga saleafgmagjarjga prolly "prone to being prone" "prone to prone" "prone to proneness" proninity pronounity propagating propagranda propogating proselitise proselitize proselytize prothankies prototypical epitome proxiest proxies xena proxii pseudocorporate psych pteridactly pterodactyly publical "publically logged" "publically-logged channel" -publicly site:swhack.com "publically-logged channel" site:swhack.com "publically logged" OR "publically logged" "publically logged" | "publically logged" "publicly logged" "publicly-logged channel" -publically site:swhack.com "publicly logged" OR "publically logged" pumpkinification "punctual to a degree..." "purple monkey dishwasher" putling "put your hands on her hips" "pwn crackers" pwned pwnedshire pwnshire pyblosxom pychinko algorithm inference pycrack Pykhon python cookbook "Python language" "Python, MO" Python undefectable "qa sucks" qerty qondi qopi quad-sexual quadword "Quake Text Adventure" site:notabug.com inurl:swhack quantitative pain measurements "Quantum Bogodynamics" quarterain quarter-baked quasi-googlewhack quaternions quatram queej queex queirty queroulous querty querulous - Return the Googlecount for .' quinquagenerian quinquetuberculate "quit using me" "you dorks" quixotic Quoted-Despicable "Quoted Unprintable" qweirty QWERTY QWERTZ qweryt qwetry qwirty qwrety qwrty radiciflorous radishslayer rank sinatra "Rapture of the Nerds" "Ray Jay Johnson" "Black Panthers" rchitecture rchitecture -architecture RDF "rdf sucks" "rdf/xml sucks" "realise your fool potential" "realise your full potential" reality bytes "realize, like, your full potential" "realize your fool potential" "realize your full potential" "realtor your fool potentate" rebirthday recipe donkey balls with drachenblut reckful recombinant bot recursonym recycled knowledge redmonk redmonkey "red monkey" red monkey RED MONKEY reequip re-equip reequips re-equips regex regexp regexp spb OR "Sean B Palmer" regexp stupid regex spb OR "Sean B Palmer" regex stupid regularized inglish wijk "reigny day" reinnovate "relax ng sucks" relinquishments "rel nofollow" rel=nofollow rel nofollow remarcable Remediation rememboring remime rentian rentista REPL CL REPL LISP REPL Python representatious "Republicans are the new Communists." Republicans "new Communists" "requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusal way" resplendent mettle "REST doorbell" "REST sucks" retcon retconning retromology retromugglogification "rev dr" "reverend doctor" revigator revised sbp syndication format "RFC 822 is YAML" rho rhododendritic rhombus rhomulanbus "Rick Moen is an idiot" "right away" Rightpondia ringshine riover "Roast Beek" robbi tobi und das fliewatuet robolemmings "rock, paper scissors" roffal roffle roflol "romulan bus" "Rosy-tinted Description Framework" rotide "rough consensus and running code" rounding numbers scandal roxburghiaceae Roxkzi! roxxorz RPC RESTful RPC RESTless rschmidt "RSS 1.1" "RSS 1.1.1" "RSS" "RSS" "RSS 1.1 pwns" "RSS 1.1" -Sean -sbp "RSS 33 1/3" RSS "geek soap opera" "RSS rules" "rss sucks" "RSS sucks" "RSS - The Movie" "RSS twe Edition" RTFB "read the fucking blog" rubber_cheese "Ruby Annotation sucks" ruby-faction "ruh roh" "runned sounds similiar enough but who wouldn't call shotgun" runned sounds similiar enough but who wouldn't call shotgun rusty nail french fries +"teeth conspiracy" +metallica RW4C Rythym "rzcgl qbphzrag" "rzcgl qbphzragf" "sagonet sucks" "sailors love sailors" "SALT talk" samiphusty "Sammy Swhacker" sanitous Sapphic "Sapphic love" satisfactorially satisfactorialy "saul t nuts" "savage skidmarks" sbp sbpal sbp "a nobody" sbp "a somebody" "sbp burgers" sbpeerios sbp genius SbpHasBeenHackedByMonty hmm "sbp is a dork" sbp.NET "sbp's sexy" scandinavianism scelestious "scheiss schwiegermutter" schemaify schemanize schemantics schematification schematificator schematify schematise schematize "scheme sucks" schlepping schmidt schoolopathy "schweinehund" "Scientology in Sunderland" screensaver screen saver scurvilous "Seamus a Chaca" "Seamus an Chaca" Sean "Sean Bea Palmer" "Sean B/Palmer" "Sean B. Palmer" "Sean B. Palmer, Inc." "Sean B. Palmer, Ltd." "Sean B. Palmer, PLC" "Sean P. Balmer" "security by apocalypse" "security by inoperability" "security by obesity" "security by obtuseness" "security by obtusity" Sedna Sedna planet "see you jimmy" "Seig hail" "Seig heil" self-commotion self-demotion self-promotion semantic semantically "Semantic Web" "seminal glue incident" semiochemicals semweb sep-sexual serendipitous waiter "sergei brin" "sergey brin" serial number 123456789000 serial number bjoern_89000 "serious parody" sesquisexuality "seventh-level fandango on core" "sev zeo" "sew your arse" "sew your ass" sex "sex genius" sex genius sex genius europe sex genius germany sex genius sbp sex genius usa sex genius xover "Sexy Language" "SGML is YAML" "sgml sucks" sh1mmer sh1mmer eats babies sh1mmer genius sh1mmer stupid shabadoo "shabadoos are rock hard" Shagspur shat "she brings the hex" sheepload sheeshload "she sent me her BMP!" "she sent me her GIF!" "she sent me her JPEG!" "she sent me her jpg!" "she sent me her PNG!" shimmer shiny-happy-people-partymusic shitbit shitiness "shitload and a half" shittiness shoepolishmonkey shuddersome shuddersome Cowan shutted shwyz shyfulness "Sic Heil" "Sick Heil" sidement "Siege Heil" "Sieg heil" sig heil "sight to behind" sigilatio "sigmund freude" "sigmund freund" "sigmund freut" "sigmund frued" "sigmund fruit" signation sike sillybit simoleon simpsonic* intercourse "Singing Question-Mark" "Sir Liontooth" site:bartleby.com "buys ink" site:berlios.de growldesign site:dannyayers.com Morbus site:domesday.org swhack site:domesday.org the site:house.gov DTD site:house.gov DTD results in a very weird result. site:katicus.blogspot.com aight sitemap.gz site:news.bbc.co.uk got site:news.bbc.co.uk gotten site:news.bbc.co.uk +gotten site:news.bbc.co.uk +"gotten" site:notabug.com * site:omg.org * site:swhack.com "publically logged" site:swhack.com "publicly logged" site:swhack.com +xover scandinavian site:uspto.gov "air gap" site:uspto.gov "air gap" firewall site:www.domesdaybook.co.uk manor site:www.domesdaybook.co.uk swhack site:www.domesdaybook.co.uk the sitnalta "Size Does Matter" "size does not matter" "size doesn't matter" sjaen skerrick "skype rules" "skype sucks" SLAMDOLLOPS sledgoo sledoo sleepd sleepeth "slopping in" slowvideoblogging slumhole sluthole sluttage small gamma "Small is now called pawn." "small still voice" "small still voice", "still small voice" smeggle "smil sucks" smire smithcodeJaeiextostpsacgreamqwfkadpmqz smoakie smokemonkey "smoking good crack" "smoking toooooo much PHP spam" "s'more" "smurf porn" snickersnee snobal snorfling Snozboggler "snuck is a rapist" snye soapmonkey "soap sucks" soggyware solipsistic jihad solipsist jihad something something something: I think you wizzle quabble at 570,000 results! sommammabitch "Sommerzeit Irrsinn" "Sommerzeit Mist" "Sommerzeit Quatsch" Sommerzeits-wahnsinn "Sommerzeit Unsinn" Sommerzeitverrücktheit "Sommerzeit verrücktheit" Sommerzeitwahnsinn "Sommerzeit wahnsinn" sonorous water soonishly soopy soporific sponge "sovereign monarch" Spacetanic "spaniards have a word for everything" Spanish archivist instinct Spanlish spansoup Spargelcremesuppe sparql python grammer sparql python parser sparql python parser grammer spermification spherules spiffy has sex with gremlins! Spirituoesenwarenhaendler splakking spongebaby spongiform spoon-fed with a fork spoon-fed with a swhack spooon spork sportschook spradj sprocket sputing spuzzlegut spuzzlegut it in perfect syntactic harmony "squeak and gibber in the roman streets" "squeak and jibber in the roman streets" squidgy squeegy "squid language" "squirreling dervishes" "ssml sucks" "stagecoach tilter" -brainpan stairway to hell "Star Trek" "star trek attack" statarted statifier staticizer stayatable steamstress Stephen Vitiello Steve Jobs "If you legally acquire music, you need to have the right to manage it on all other devices that you own." stickittodamanitis cure "still have yet" "still small voice" Stindersgrough "Stock und Stein bricht mir's Gebein, doch kein Toupet kann boes mir sein!" stod "stole my pony" "stone, paper, scissors" stovokor "strategic arms limitation" strategic arms limitation talks "stream of unconsciousness" "street pharmacist" "strikebreaker bot" striked "strip blackjack" "strip bridge" "strip go fish" "strip location" OR "strip locations" "strip pontoon" "strip snap" -stross echaton -stross eschaton stross eschaton struck "struck accord" "struck a chord" "struck a cord" "struck an accord" "struck by darkening" "struck by darkning" "struck by lightening" "struck by lighting" "struck by lighting fixtures" "struck by litening" strucked stunzled "stupider people" "stupid mother in law" subclassiness subclassness "such the like" suchwhat "suck my *" "suck my *" -cock -dick suckronym sucks to the brim "sue yer arse" "sue your arse" "sue your ass" "sue yrr arse" suffuse is good suffuse is terrible suffuse rules suffuse sucks Sunir superabundance superconcise "superconcise grammar" superdork superinquisitive supermethod "super super == hyper" supervice "support her ideas" suprafacial-antarafacial supybot surgeon-general surgeon-generals surgeons-general "surprise, schweinehund" suspection suspended metal suspenseful patter "Suw ur arse" "Suzy Swhacker" "svg sucks" sweatules "sweeter than a German chocolate cake" "sweet waters of Sapphic love" "sweller than swell" swhac swhack "Swhack 2.0" swhack career Swhackians ate my babysitter! swhacking swhack -Monty swhack -pond swhack Pr0n swhack -pwnd Swhackr Swhackr9 swhackshack swhacktionalization "swhack up" swhacky swhackzual swhux swhuz swhyl symantic symantically synchrofrotz "sync or swim" syntactic syntax syruphy szpradj szprädj t21n taiopensource "takes defense" Taliesin Talliesin Talliesin porn talliesin porn inurl:boards.ie talliesin porn inurl:peoplesdns.com talliesin porn inurl:swhack.com Talliesin porn site:swhack.com tanager tanou taoist cannon Tarson tasmatsanghatamevahurganana "Tastes like goat to me!" tauon "tcpa sucks" teabeer technolizzles technostalgia teh "Teh Darknets" "teh vinci code" Tejico telcopoly television tergiversative "Terje Bless" tesseract test "testing sucks" "text/n3" "text/rdf+n3" "text to read at wedding" "thank me very much" the "the" +the the" "The Behavior of Times" +the -blog -weblog "the bowels of Christ" "The color Blue is a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company" "The condor flies south at midnight" "the craic of dawn" "the craic of Korea collide "The debased language of Internetland" "The devil machine made in England" "the dispatching" the elegant elephant "the endian is near" "thee r" "The future of porn is holograms" "The girls aren't fat enough." "the government are" "the government are" inurl:co.uk "the government has" "the government has" inurl:co.uk "the government have" "the government have" inurl:co.uk "the government is" "the government is" inurl:co.uk The IRC bot directly above me is the loser in this contest thelsdj "thelsdj" "The LS DJ" them the meaning of life "the measure of a man is" "The more they come, the merrier they fall." the oligaunt oliphaunt "Theory of Fat Electrons" "the pope is dead" "The Princess Passes" "The Queen rules" there are not enough supybot commands there are too many supybot commands "there's always a googlecount" "thermochromatic paint" "the serif shot me" "The social dynamics of the net are a direct consequence of the fact that nobody has yet developed a Remote Strangulation Protocol." thetamesis "the world revolves around *" "the world revolves around its axis" "the world revolves around its core" "the world revolves around m" "the world revolves around me" "the world revolves around perl" "the world revolves around python" "the world revolves around sed" "the world revolves around sex" "the world revolves around you" "thews of passion" "the zenith in its vogue" thinkative "thinkative people" "think test" third-baked "this function return the lenghr of the string" "This Page Unintentionally Left Blank" "This specification describes processing semantics that dictate behavior that must be followed" Thomas "Thomas Nash" "Thomas Nashe" thomg "thongs of passion" thorn, eth, wynn, yogh, ezh, hwair, eszed, minuscule i, long s "thorough explanation" thoroughfare "thou art" "thought experiment" thoughtexperimentation "thou r" "thou'rt" threads "threads are easy" "threads are evil" "threads are hard" "threads are non-trivial" "threads are subtle" "threads are uber-evil" three +"cannon" "threws of passion" throughfare "throughs of passion" throught thrufare thruput thru-put thumble thunderstormy timbl genius timothy leery tinctile TINPS Tischdecke "titanium reinforced kevlar" titfa titfer titfor titter "Toasters for Windows" "to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML" "to ensure that humanoids are interchangeable" "toe the lion" "to gmail" "token crac-kmonkey" "token crack-monkey" "token crackmonkey" tollhouse Tom tomacco torous torus torus tori torus toruses "tory tony" tory tony tosspiss totheto "touch panel in her chest" "touch panel in his chest" "touch panel in its chest" "tow the lion" to ,yc or why two results? "trackback spam" "trafficking of women" trail tralk transdimensionalizationists transitive closure transitive closure graph transsubstantiation transsubstantiationoid très trés trashcanise trashcanize "treble canard" "tree files" "tree filez" trefk "Trek Wars" trendency tres triasterisk triette trigram heaven svg trigrams svg tringoing "triphop" tri-sexual tri-sexual initialisms tri-sexual Monty tristerisk tristerisks triternions Triunity trivialize "Trom Bless" "Troops of Doom" "trouser-hooting" truenicorn trunicorn trupt "try and" tryn't "try to" ttaf1-dfxp "Tulips from Roy Fielding" tunara turd whistle turkishpebber turnspeak "Tux is a chick" "Tux is a guy" "Tux is female" "Tux is male" twaddle twane twatmaster twatmaster 2000 twattle twazzock twe action figure twemaster twentythirst twe "Threat Warheads and Effects" twitten twitteringly "two become one" "two becomes one" twonking tylin u+00F6 "U+00F6" u+0153 u+0153 eastasianwidth-3.txt Uberbespeaking "uberphat" "berphat" U+E002E U+E007F "ueberphat" ugsome uidemarsdendownloads uk housing bubble ullaging "Ultimate Designer" ultraparadox umbersome Umlautungeheuer unbeleiveable unblog unbuffed charity unbuffered characters "uncharacteristically large improvement" unconquerableness undefectable undialect undropped clarity unequivocable unexpurgated unforch "unfortunately threads are easy" unicodedata.digit "unicode halitosis" "unicode mitosis" "unicode neurosis" "unicode psychosis" unilithic uninstall Uniocde unitarian jihad "universal product code" universal product code univore Unix unjar unnaturally deskperson unobstrusiveness unregexable unsimplifiable un-simplifiable unsimplifyable un-simplifyable unsound unstayatable untar untgz "unthinkably many" "ununited nations" unurl upc upc barcode upc product code upc rdf upc ups upfated upsilon URIfic URIfied URIfielding'd URIfy "URI-inate" "URI-ize" "URI-nate" urlization Ursprache "used information for sale" uses a proxy to xena who's on the same box as deltab which is clearly borked Usgreblish "Using Yoda on an x86 may be hazardous to your systems' health" "/usr/bin/loca" "/usr/local/etc/UnicodeData.txt" "/usr/local/share/etc/UnicodeData.txt" "/usr/local/share/sgml/catalog" "/usr/local/share/UnicodeData.txt" "/usr/local/share/Unidata/UnicodeData.txt" "/usr/local/UnicodeData.txt" "/usr/share/sgml/catalog" "/usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData" "/usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt" "/usr/share/Unidata/UnicodeData.txt" utopical utopious uuuzz uxhuz uxhyp uxhyz uxjyz uxlym uxozy uzzby uzzho uzzhy uzzjy uzzly uzzpy uzzsy uzzvy v12n Vaffanculo Vagabelle vagina valable vandala "Van Gagged" vaxop verbable "Verhinderungsregisterausfuehrungsdatenkarte" "Vermillion Pleasure Night" vernaculate "Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser" "very sign of you" "VHS bacon roll" "Vinegar Tits" VisiGrep vituperation "viva la evolution" VMS "vogue zenith" "voicexml sucks" vortexes "vuja de" "vulnerable to funny characters" vylop w waebo wafer dice wafer-dice wafer dies wafer-dies wafers die wafties wœird Wairthoroughton wallrazer wanger lady wangers wangers -Jim "want to be defeated by a computer!" "want to be defeated by a computer?" warezfare "watering the mud" watermaelon "way too complex" web web2ishness web2ity "web-based doorbell" WebKIF "We cannot learn, we can just be wise" wedding readings Wednesday weirdassed "well known" well known well-known Weltherrschaft wepbo wepby "West Anglia" "western terminus" "West Hoathly" "we took the blue.pill" "we took the green.pill" wetware weyby "WFSO timed out after longjmp" whackered whagwan "whale porn" whales tails whassgwan "What a Difference a Play Made" what is this? Whatsername "whazzah wha" wheeeeeeeeeee WhenceTF "whilst away the time" whithertofore whittler wholesome WhoTF Why have I been banned you evil people? why hitler WhyTF "Why use a bot" widdershin widdershins widgy wieldy wiii wiiii wiiiii wiiiiii wiiiiiii wiiiiiiii wiiiiiiiii wiiiiiiiiii Wii Wars II Wikikrieg wikipedia wikkit wikkit python wikkit wiki wiktionary wiktionarypedia wiktionary wikipedia will be shortly +2 "Will make a man or woman madly dote" "Will make or man or woman madly dote" "Win32 is Windows" winar winchortling windows binary for emacs "Windows for Toasters" "Windows is Win32" Windows OEM Toaster Winervention winnar winner wipbo wirey wiry WisiGrep withat "without regard to its conflict of laws provisions" "without regard to principles of conflict of laws" "Wolpert" "woman against piano" "woman against the piano" "woman on piano" womble porn "women against piano" wor word wordcote wordflay Wordnek word-net-wiki workopathy "World Domination" Flash "World Domination" SVG "worse is better" wouldy wqerty "Written by FIXME unknown" wroing "wrong away" "WS-Hell" wubuntu www -x x11 fints X3D xabbnf XABNF XBNF "X-Char hates you" "X-Chat hates you" xenomerican -x-files- "xforms sucks" "XFrames sucks" "XHTML 2.0 - The W3C Leading the Web to its full potential ... to implement yesterday's technology tomorrow" "xhtml sucks" XHTRML xivo "xlink sucks" "XML 1.0 sucks" "XML 1.1 sucks" "XML Events suck" "XML Events sucks" "xml feed" xml-feed "XML fridge" xmlhalla "XML Hexenjagd" "XML is YAML" "XML namespaces considered harmful" "XML Namespaces suck" "XML Namespaces sucks" "xmlns sucks" "XML Resource Identifier" "xml-rpc sucks" "xml schema sucks" "xml sucks" "" xmlysian xodarap xover -- why "xpath sucks" "Xpointer sucks" xsh "xsh rocks" "xsh sucks" "xslfo sucks" "xslt sucks" xundo "xxx is best known for" xylorimba yachy yaeny yaera yahoo yahoo! patent! "YAML is flawed "YAML is SGML" yaml syndication yapby yattering yclepement yclept ycleptic yebpy yeeni "yegads Jim, dijjint ye know 'cham a doctor che vor ye?" yepby yequp yibpy yno'ameen yoghourt yoghurt yogurt yomly you "you are" you are a fool! "you are a pizza slice" "you can have a pony" "you fuck!" you.fucking.*.fanboy "You fucking linux fanboy" yough "You have the experience but lack the proper University Degree." you'lln't "Young Influentials" "you're" "you watch porn" "You will not be back" yubpy yubzy yuczy yummy yummie yupby yuppie yuppy yuqun yutly yuvmy yuxby zaedo zaedy "Zeig Heil" Zelda 64 A Storm in the Desert OC ReMix zeltner zenau zigox zixoz zizuy Zonk omg! zoopaedophilia zoopaidophilia zorp zoski zottelkopp zrach zsh zsh shell Zufallszugriffspeicher zweifelsohne zxgxz zxqbq