From ozestrange@... Mon Mar 18 18:02:37 2002 Return-Path: X-Sender: ozestrange@... X-Apparently-To: Received: (EGP: unknown); 19 Mar 2002 02:02:36 -0000 Received: (qmail 37021 invoked from network); 19 Mar 2002 02:01:36 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 19 Mar 2002 02:01:36 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 19 Mar 2002 02:01:36 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 19 Mar 2002 02:01:35 -0000 Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 02:01:34 -0000 To: Subject: Re: questions Message-ID: In-Reply-To: User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Length: 496 X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster From: "ozestrange" X-Originating-IP: X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=61845547 X-Yahoo-Profile: ozestrange Hi Mike G > I am not sure who wrote this, I did. ! They are no better than the rest of us and more can't be > expected. Sure, but a/ I was being polite and was trying to get some answers b/ "More can be expected"(from me at least) if they are making claims that are supposedly based on their area of expertise/results etc. And, I was trying to point out to Mr Erkman that they shouldnt have any problem having non scientists like myself asking questions about claims they make. Mike W