From fwestra@... Sat Mar 09 07:15:14 2002 Return-Path: X-Sender: fwestra@... X-Apparently-To: Received: (EGP: unknown); 9 Mar 2002 15:15:13 -0000 Received: (qmail 79976 invoked from network); 9 Mar 2002 15:15:13 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 9 Mar 2002 15:15:13 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 9 Mar 2002 15:15:13 -0000 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id B759C8A33E3 for ; Sat, 9 Mar 2002 16:15:08 +0100 (MET) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 16:16:10 +0100 X-Mailer: Net-Tamer 1.12.0 Subject: Re: [mysterylights] Re: light balls X-Mailreader: NTReader v0.36w(P)/Beta (Registered) Message-Id: <20020309151508.B759C8A33E3@...> From: Frits Westra X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=196822 X-Yahoo-Profile: parodynl Hello Josee, Isn't "G" a unit of force (not speed)? 1G being the force of gravity exerted on a body at rest? Best regards, Frits Westra On 9th March 2002, "josee chelkoff" wrote: >And as far as I know, a speed of 300G can hardly be >explained in such instance within our scientific knowledge !