213. To Thomas Poole Address: Mr T. Poole | Stowey | near | Bridgewater MS. British Museum. Pub. E.L.G. i. 83. Stamped: Bristol. Saturday Evening [Endorsed Decem. 2d 1797] My dear Poole I write from Cottle's shop to request you if there have arriv'd any letters for me to send them addressed to Cottle's High Street -- I have been several times at King's -- he & your Sister are remarkably well -- Sara & I go there on Wednesday, stay for a day or two, and homeward for Stowey -- I received a letter from Linley, the long & the short of which is that Sheridan rejects the Tragedy -- his sole objection is -- the obscurity of the three last acts. ---- The Estlins, & Cottle, and Wade all desire to be kindly remembered to you -- My love to your dear Mother & to Ward -- & believe me, as ever, your's, my best & dearest Friend! most affectionately, S. T. Coleridge