454. To Sara Hutchinson Address: Miss S. (Hutchinson] [Sin]gle sheet. MS. Dove Cottage. Hitherto unpublished. These few lines, with a fragment of the address on the opposite side, are all that remain of Coleridge's letter. [ August 1802?] 1 . . . -- the black thick Cloud indeed is still over my head, and all the Landscape' around me is dark & gloomy with it's shadow-but the wind has risen, Darling! it blows this way a strong & steady gale, & I see already with the eye of confident anticipation the laughing blue sky, & no black thick Cloud! -- . . . . . . write next to . . . (Wor]dsworth, Gr . . . . . . [s]hall assuredly be . . . . . . [begin]ning of next wee[k] . . . . . . [nelver cease to do . . . . . . lovely! -- S. T. C[oleridge] . . . consumptive, is gone . . . . . . of gloomy Thoughts. --