Specification: Grammar & Node Tests
NOTE: This is an attempt at a formal grammar for the ExtensibilityFramework, or EF. It is, however, a work in both flux and progress. There are Python/SAX and XSLT implementations for this grammar.
Synopsis: Compact RELAX NG Grammar
default namespace = "" namespace atom = "http://purl.org/atom/ns#" start = element atom:atom { XMLAtts, Property* } | Property Property = SimpleProp | LiteralProp | ComplexLiteralProp SimpleProp = element * { (XMLAtts, RefAttr) | (XMLAtts, RefAttr?, Property*) } LiteralProp = element * { (XMLAtts, text) | (XMLAtts, ModeAttr, any) } ComplexLiteralProp = element * { XMLAtts, NonSpecialAttr+, ModeAttr?, any } RefAttr = attribute ref { xsd:anyURI } ModeAttr = attribute mode { text } XMLAtts = attribute xml:* { text }* NonSpecialAttr = attribute * - (mode | ref | xml:*) { text } any = (element * { attribute * { text }*, any } | text)*
There is an example of an Atom XML document that conforms to the .rnc schema above according to James Clark's
Jing. Note that xml:base and xml:lang are both supported.
Terminology, for an element event e:-
e.xmlns is the XML namespace of an element
e.name is the element's local name
e.parent is the element's parent
e.children is an ordered list of the element's child element nodes
e.URI is a URI constructed by concatenating e.xmlns and e.name
e.subject is initialized to Null and may be overridden
e.base is set to the value of @xml:base if present, or e.parent.base, or Null
e.lang is set to the value of @xml:lang if present, or e.parent.base, or Null
The attributes @ref, @mode, and @xml:* are treated as special. Hence, non-special attributes are those which do not belong to that set. (Note that this specification only supports @xml:base and @xml:lang; all other attributes in the xml:* namespace are ignored).
start = element atom:atom { Property* } | Property
If e.xmlns is the atom namespace and e.name is 'atom', parse each child element in e.children as Property elements. Else, parse e as a Property element.
Property = SimpleProp | LiteralProp | ComplexLiteralProp
If there are no non-special attributes and no @ref and either an @mode or no elements in e.children, then it's a LiteralProp. Else if there are non-special attributes, it's a ComplexLiteralProp. Otherwise it's a SimpleProp.
SimpleProp = element * { (XMLAtts, RefAttr) | (XMLAtts, RefAttr?, Property*) }
If there is an @ref attribute present, set e.subject to an entity with a URI that is the value of @ref resolved in the context of e.base. Otherwise, set e.subject to a new unnamed entity. If e.parent.subject is not Null, i.e. is an entity, create a property/edge/arc on e.parent.subject labelled e.URI and with e.subject as a value. If there are elements in e.children, parse each one as a property.
LiteralProp = element * { (XMLAtts, text) | (XMLAtts, ModeAttr, any) }
If e.parent is Null, return. Otherwise, if there is no @mode and there are no elements in e.children, add a property/edge/arc to e.parent.subject using e.URI as a label, e's text content as the value, and, if present, e.lang as the value's language. Else, if @mode's value is "xml", add a property/edge/arc as above with e's any content as the value and XMLLiteral as the datatype. Otherwise, if there is an @mode, add a property/edge/arc as above, with the element's ANY content as the value, and using a URI that is the concatenation of the atom namespace and the @mode value as a datatype.
ComplexLiteralProp = element * { XMLAtts, NonSpecialAttr+, ModeAttr?, any }
Set e.subject to a new unlabelled entity. If e.parent is not Null, add a property/edge/arc to e.parent.subject using e.URI as the edge label, and e.subject as the value. For each non-special attribute, add a property/edge/arc to e.subject with a concatenation of either the attribute's namespace-uri or e.xmlns and the attribute's local name as the edge URI, the attribute's value as the string value, and, if present, e.lang as the value's language. Add a property/edge/arc to e.subject using "value" as the label, and the element's content as the value. If there are elements in e.children, or @mode's value is "xml", set the datatype to XMLLiteral. Else, if @mode is present, set the datatype URI to a concatenation of the atom namespace and @mode's value. Otherwise, if present, use e.lang as the value's language.
XPath Node Matches
For use in, e.g., XSLT. Transcribed from Sjoerd Visscher's XSLT for AtomEF.
LiteralProp: *[count(@mode)=count(@*)][not(*) or @mode]
ComplexLiteralProp: *[count(@*) > count(@ref) + count(@mode)]
otherwise, SimpleProp: *
One may also, of course, parse the three in SimpleProp, LiteralProp, ComplexLiteralProp order, but the order above was found to produce the most readable results.